Chapter 16

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Nico woke up screaming at 2am. His head throbbed from his hangover and he reached up tentatively and touched his face, which was sure enough soaked with tears. He realised he was shaking violently so he pulled his blanket tighter. Another sob escaped his lips when he remembered his nightmare.

*The Nightmare*

24 year old Percy sucked on the sensitive skin of 22 year old Nico's neck. Nico moaned loudly and ran his fingers through Percy's hair.

They were seated in Nico's new car, a matte black jeep, which he got for his 21st birthday. Well, seated means Percy is sitting on Nico's lap (since Nico became the same height as Percy), effectively straddling his hips.

Percy's lips moved back to Nico's throat, moving up from the base, stopping at Nico's bottom lip and sucking on it feverishly.

Nico moaned and gripped Percy's hair again. Percy slowly moved up again and connected their lips fully, moving in a rhythmic, entrancing pace.

Nico smiled into the kiss, running his tongue along Percy's lower lip. Percy obliged, letting Nico slip his tongue inside and explore.

When it felt like Nico's lungs were going to burst, he pulled away with a slow suck to Percy's tongue, making the older boy moan in a needy, breathless tone.

Percy stared deep into Nico's eyes-his own half lidded from lust- and said in a quiet voice, "I love you, Nico. So fucking much,"

Nico smiled softly and opened his mouth to say 'I love you too', but it felt as though he was suddenly swallowing a rock, silencing him effectively. He tried to speak again, but no words came out.

Percy's smile dropped and his expression became guarded. "Nico? Say something." Nico tried again, but once again nothing came out. Panic rose in Nico's chest.

Percy looked down, his eyes becoming glassy. "I should get going." He slid out of Nico's lap and unlocked the car door, stepping out into the cool night air. Nico tried to shout for Percy to come back so he could say he loved him too, hammering his fists on the windows and screaming silently.

He scrambled to the side and unlocked the door, launching himself into a sprint to follow Percy down the street. Nico's head pounded as he felt his throat tighten. Percy turned to cross the road and stepped out, not seeing the drunk driver speed down the street in a sports car.

A shrill cry of pain left Percy's lips as the car collided with his front. He was knocked down, his chest not rising and his eyes blank and glassy. Dead.

Nico stopped in his tracks. His body racked with sobs as he collapsed to the ground, over Percy's body. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice coming back. "I love you too, Percy."

*End Nightmare*

Nico crept down the freezing hall, silver moonlight streaming through the windows. Still shaking and sniffling, he knocked gently on Percy's door, and padded inside.

"Perce?" He whispered, his voice sparse and thick with tears. He shuffled over to the double spare bed, where he saw a drooling and sleeping Percy Jackson.

He shook Percy's shoulder lightly, making the older boy stir slightly. "Nico?" Percy said, his voice heavy with sleep. And dam, was that voice sexy.

"You drool in your sleep," Nico giggled quietly. Percy nodded and ran his hand through his hair, smiling slightly. "I've been told,"

"C-Can I sleep in your bed with you? I had a...n-nightmare." Nico asked timidly. Percy smiled softly and shuffled over to the other side, "Come here, mister cutie."

Nico blushed heavily at the nickname as he climbed beneath the covers. Percy smiled and wrapped his arms around Nico's waist, pulling him to him closer so their chests were pressed together.

Nico's small arms hugged Percy's chest tightly, breathing in his sweet ocean scent. 'He's alive, he's okay.' Nico reassured himself. Percy kissed Nico's forehead lightly, mumbling, "Sleep well, Nico."

"Thank you," Nico whispered. 'I wonder what would happen if I kissed him...' Nico thought, his cheeks dusting a deeper red. His heart hammered in his chest. 'No, I can't.' Nico shook his head, shutting his eyes and allowing himself to melt into Percy's embrace and fall asleep slowly, and then all at once. (A/N: AYEEE XD)


Nico woke up to sunlight streaming through the window. He sat up and groaned, stretching.

Remembering where he was sleeping, he looked to where Percy had slept last night, but the older boy was no where to be seen.

Nico got up and dressed, jogging down the stairs and trying to push all memories of his nightmare from his mind. He peered down the hall and into the living room for Percy, but he was still no where to be seen.

"Percy?" Nico called out. No answer. He walked into the kitchen; empty. "Percy?" He tried again, panic seeping into his voice. He looked out of the kitchen window into the garden. Nobody was there. "Percy!" Nico shouted frantically. Where was he?

Nico ran into the living room and grabbed his phone to check if there were any messages from Percy, but again, there was nothing. Where had Percy disappeared to? More panic rose to Nico's chest. What if he'd been taken? Oh god, where was that kelp face?

Nico walked back into the kitchen. His head felt dizzy and black spots danced around his vision, his throat tightening. No, no! He can't have a panic attack right now! He needed to make sure Percy was okay!

Nico's vision was blurred with tears and more black spots. He clutched his chest and tried to force more air into his lungs again, but nothing worked. You see, Nico had quite a bad case of anxiety to go with his depression. (A/N: Sorry Neeks, but it's for the story line *sobs*)

Nico's head swam as he tried to steady himself on the kitchen counter. He heard faintly the sound of a door being opened and closed. Nico frantically tried to suck in deep breaths of air and wipe away the tears that were now streaming down his face- wait, the door opened?

"P-Percy!" Nico screamed, which was followed by a coughing fit as he slid down the counter to the floor.

"That's my name, don't overuse it otherwise what use is a name- OH MY GOD!"

Nico felt a person drop beside him and himself being pulled into a persons lap, his head cradled between the persons knees.

"Nico, breathe for me, okay? Try to breathe for me, gosh darn it, I step out to the sweet shop for blue sweets for one moment," Nico's chest rose heavily as he felt his throat begin to relax. This is definitely Percy. He was here. He was safe.

"P-Percy," Nico whimpered, his head throbbing painfully.

"I'm here, baby," Percy said gently, pressing his lips to Nico's softly for a moment. "I'm here."




-Ella xx

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