Chapter 10

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"Nicooo," Percy moaned. They'd been playing Modern Warfare for the past few hours and it was safe to say Nico was kicking Percy's ass. Nico smiled evilly and continued playing.

"Sorry Percy, I'm just better than you at this game." He chuckled. Percy huffed and paused the game.

"Hey!" Nico protested.

"You didn't tell me much about what it's like in California." Percy's eyes sparkled.

Nico sighed deeply and tossed down his controller, brining his knees up to his chin.

"Well, it's the only happy home I've ever known, and I made the best friends in the world there. It's always sunny, the seas always sparkle, it's generally always hot, and I love it. It's my home." Nico shrugged.

Percy smiled and nodded. "So I've always been wondering this thin-"

"Can I ask you something?" Nico interrupted quickly.

Percy frowned. "Sure?"

Nico sighed deeply. "So before you said you'd been craving to kiss me,"

Percy's face turned red. "Oh, that."

"I thought you were straight? I mean, you have a stunning girlfriend."

"Yeah, I do. But to be perfectly honest, I don't see us going any where. I used to, but not now. She doesn't see me as much as she used to. Also now you're back, and quite attractive to be frank, I sorta see you in a different light.

And that kiss before sealed the deal. Call me confused, call me gay, call me bi, call me anything you want. But I'm know for sure I'm definitely attracted to you, Nico. But I don't want to hurt Annabeth."

"Percy, if she really loved and cared for you then she'd make time for you."

Percy nodded slowly. "You know, I think you're right. I do love and care for her but some things just aren't meant to be, right?"

"Uh, right. But, why are you thinking breaking up with her if you love her?"

Percy blushed and ducked his head. "Because I was kinda hoping to, uh, take you out on a date."

Now it was Nico's turn to blush. "M-Me?"

Percy nodded. "I said I was attracted to you, which means I like you, so I want to take you out sometime."

Nico smiled gently. "I'd love that, but I don't want to be the other guy. Break up with her before you do anything else with me. Trust me, I've been cheated on before and it doesn't feel good."

Percy frowned. "You've been cheated on? By who?" He nearly growled out his words.

Nico nodded. "Yeah, my ex. Remember Octavian, the pale blond boy from my scrapbook?"

Percy's eyes widened in realisation, his lips pressed into a thin line. "Oh, him." He spoke with distaste.

"Yeah, that guy. The other guy didn't know though, it wasn't his fault. I just wish that all the times Octavian said he loved me he actually meant it." Nico looked down as his eyes clouded with tears and Percy scooted closer, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and burying his face in the crook of Nico's neck.

"He isn't worth it, Nico. Please don't cry." Percy cooed. Nico turned fully and his arms wound around Percy's waist. "Yeah, you're right." He mumbled into Percy's chest.

Percy ran his hand through Nico's hair, smiling contently. "You know, Neeks, you're still as adorable as when you left."

Nico pulled away scowling. "I'm not adorable and never was."

Percy laughed and pulled his back with him as he lay down, so both boys were laying on their backs. "You are so adorable, don't deny it." He smiled.

Nico groaned and buried his head into Percy's chest, slinging his arm across his stomach.

"Okay, fine. I'm adorable." Nico groaned. Percy smiled again smugly and held Nico tighter. But soon a thought crossed his mind and his smile faded into a frown.

"Hey, Nico?" He asked.

Nico looked up, his big, dark eyes looking painstakingly innocent. "Yeah?"

Percy swallowed the nervous lump forming in his throat, blushing lightly, "W-Would you say yes if I-I did ask you on"

Nico blushed and smiled widely, "Of course I would, Percy."

Percy smiled back in relief and rested his head on top of Nico's, all thoughts and shadows of doubt leaving his head. For the first time in a while, Percy actually felt complete. Whole. And it was all because of Nico.


So! I'm back, schools being a bitch to me and is giving me too much homework, you get me? I'll try and get more updates out soon bc I love you all and it's nearly the Christmas holidays here :3
-Ella xx

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