Chapter 15

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*The next day*


Percy and Nico had a nice day. They'd taken a walk along the New York boulevard and played in the sea, which Percy enjoyed especially. They'd had pizza for dinner and now they were getting ready to go to a club called 'Heat', which Nico been told by Leo he just had to stop by. Anubis, one of Nico's old friends, had also agreed to come with them.

Percy had on a black muscle t-shirt and a pair of grey khaki shorts with a pair of converse. He'd left his hair as it was but had it swept to the side. His sea-green eyes shone with excitement.

"Percy, are you ready yet? Anubis is here." Nico called out from the hall.

"Yeah, I'll be out now." Percy replied, grabbing his wallet and slipping out of the door, closing it behind him and jogging down the stairs.

Seeing Nico took Percy's breath away. The raven haired boy could clean up well. His usual dark curls had been straightened and swept out of his eyes, framing his face perfectly. He wore a black t-shirt with a leather jacket and black jeans with black combat boots. His eyes seemed more intense, more alive.

"Wow, you look great." Nico smirked.

"Y-You too." Percy gasped.

"Well come on, we can't keep Anubis waiting." Nico opened the door and stepped into the night, Percy soon following.


The club outside looked great. It was fire themed and bright, everywhere you looked was engulfed in fake flames. The windows were large and framed in red. The door was huge, with one of those old knocker thingies. The only thing that caught Percy's attention was the sign on the door, which read 'LGBT+ Friendly.'

Percy turned to Nico. "Nico, what does LGBT mean?"

Anubis grinned wickedly. Nico stifled a laugh. "Goddammit Leo," he said under his breath, a smile gracing his lips.

"Nico? What does it mean?" Percy's head tilted to the side in confusion.

Nico bit his lip to keep from smiling. "It means, Percy darling, we're going clubbing in a gay bar."


Percy watched as Nico danced along with the music blaring through the speakers, pressed up against the other teenagers sweaty bodies. The music was deafening, dulling your senses so it felt like you were sleep-walking. But, Percy had never felt more alive.

He was sat on a bar stool next to Anubis and sipping some beer that he hadn't tried before, but Anubis had insisted on buying. It was alright, but Percy didn't think he'd buy another one. He thought maybe he should just stick to one glass tonight as it seems he was gonna have to drag Nico home, so he should himself at least be sober.

"So, have you never seen Nico in action before?" Anubis smirked as Percy shook his head. "Well I'll tell you now, Percy, he's an animal. He'll dance and drink until he passes out. He's a nut job, that kid, but I guess I have to love him."

Percy smiled and sipped some more of his beer. "Yeah, me too."

Percy watched as a blond teenage boy danced closer to Nico. He wrapped his arms around Nico's waist and ground his hips against Nico's at the front. He saw Nico's lips part slightly as he threw his head back and shut his eyes. He was moaning. Percy's blood boiled. Only he could make Nico do that. Wait, what? Bad Percy! Stop being possessive over someone that isn't even yours! Yet.

"Aye, you alright mate? You look about ready to kill a man." Anubis smirked, following Percy's gaze towards Nico. "Oh." He said when he realised what Percy what angry over.

"Do you know him?" Percy growled.

Anubis nodded. "He's Nico's old friend. His names Will Solace, and according to my sources, aka Sadie and Carter, he's had a huge crush on Nico since they met. I'd watch out for him if I were you. He's a nice enough kid, but he's competition." Anubis sipped his beer.

Percy waved his hand dismissively, his eyes as cold as ice. "Okay, that's all I wanted to know." Nico looked over to Percy and caught his eye. His lips moved but the words seemed to be taken by the wind, the music too loud for anything to be heard. But the message was clear. Come here.

"I'll be right back." Percy slid out of his seat and weaved around all of the drunk teenagers until he found Nico, who was flustered and panting. Will had left.

"What did you nee-" Percy couldn't finish his sentence as Nico attacked his lips hungrily with his own. Nico's hands snaked into Percy's hair and his legs wrapped around Percy's waist.

Percy gripped Nico's thighs to support him and kissed back deeply, earning a moan from Nico. Gliding his tongue across Nico's lips, he asked for permission and Nico granted fully.

After a few more minutes Nico pulled away with a slow suck to Percy's tongue, making Percy gasp and moan.

"I don't need anything, I just really fucking wanted to do that." Nico said in a breathless voice that Percy found extremely sexy.

Although Nico reeked of Alchohol, Percy was fairly sure that Nico fully meant to kiss him, because it wasn't one of those meaningless drunk kisses, it was a passionate and heated kiss.

*3 hours later - Probably 2am*

"Nico, it's late, we should get going." Percy shouted over the music. Nico nodded, his eyes drooping from the Alchohol, and allowed himself to be dragged to Anubis' car.

The ride home was mainly just Percy stroking Nico's hair as Nico laid his head on Percy's shoulder. Anubis kept looking in the rear-view mirror and smiling to himself as he watched the two boys.

"We're here, need any help getting Mr. Hammered to his room?" Anubis smirked, looking to the back of the car.

"It's okay, I've got him. Thanks for the rides, Anubis." Percy smiled.

"Any time, kid." Anubis smiled back.


Percy laid Nico down gently in his bed, tucking him in underneath the covers. He'd gotten Nico to stand for a long enough time to put his PJs on himself, but soon after collapsed into Percy's arms.

"Goodnight, Nico." Percy whispered, pressing his lips to Nico's forehead lightly. He switched off Nico's bedside lamp and crept out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

So hey guys! How are you? I don't really know what to put in this little paragraph I always seem to do at the end of each chapter, so I'm just going to get straight to the point here.

Would you guys like my Instagram? I haven't got a fandom account, so it would be my personal. With SELFIES AND STUFF.

I know I already follow some of you, like percicoisbae (who already knows my account), Fandoms_Feels_Fluff and halfseagod . So, when I post my selfie (or if you guys comment if you want it now I can put it in an authors note?) do you want my personal Instagram?

Oh and another chapter might possibly be out tonight 😘

That's all, so imma go now

See you later my blue cookies 💙

-Ella xx

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