treinta y cuatro

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It's been a few weeks since the wedding.
We came back to LA a few days ago because the boys are starting their season with many restrictions.
We are worried about him being with a bunch of people for games and coming back home and me getting sick.
The last appointment didn't go very well and were both stressed considering everything going on.
"Babe I'm off I'll be home later I'll text you when I'm almost home." He said leaning down and giving me a kiss and a hug before petting Kota and grabbing his things by the door.
"Bye good luck I love you." I said before he replied and walked out the front door.
It sucks that I can't really spend the next few months of us without being parents with each other.
I can't go to games and most of our conversations are about baseball and the baby and all this stress.
Since we found out the gender after the wedding which is a girl we got everything for her room and we've slowly been putting things together (I secretly mean Cody is putting things together).
For the rest of the day I just started putting away the things I could for her room and went for a long walk with Kota and watched the game on the couch.
The boys won and Cody texted me he was going to shower and head out.
I waited a little bit before calling him.
"Babe." I said once he answered.
"I'm driving home do you need anything?" He asked.
"Can you pickup chipotle for dinner we don't really have much to make?" I asked.
"Yes you want your normal?" He asked and we talked for a few more minutes until we hung up.
I took a quick shower and got into my pajamas which was always just Cody's sweatshirt and shorts.
As I walked downstairs Cody walked in through the front door smiling.
"Hi baby." I said walking over and hugging him.
"How was your day?" He asked kissing me and feeling my stomach.
"Alright I tried to get more stuff done with the room if we have time on Friday can you put together her crib and some other stuff." I said and he nodded as he got our food out.
We sat down at the table and caught up on the day before I cleaned up and joined Cody on the couch.
I cuddled with him for a few minutes before I started getting braxton hicks.
"Can I do anything?" Cody asked while rubbing my back.
"No I just need to get up and walk around do you want to go take kota on a walk." I asked getting up.
"Let me get my shoes." He said getting up and slipping them on.
As we walked cody massaged my neck and we eventually made it back home.
"I know it's nothing but should we still get the bag packed just Incase I mean what if something does happen?" Cody asked.
"I'm just worried I'm going to go into labor when it's time and you're away or on the field." I said as we walked upstairs.
"If you're not doing good then I'm not going you both are more important than any baseball game I'm not going to miss the birth we'll be ok." He said kissing me and helping me grab some stuff to put into a bag just incase.
Afterwards we watched tv in bed and fell asleep.
At around 4 I woke up from the pain again and decided to go watch tv on the couch so I wouldn't wake cody up.
I eventually just decided around 7 to go shower and get some what ready.
I put on a comfy dress that was one of the only things that fit my bump and a cardigan.
Cody was still asleep when I got done so I went back downstairs and ended up falling asleep on the couch.
I woke up to Cody sitting down and kissing my forehead.
"Babe I made breakfast." He said kissing all around my face.
"What time is it?" I asked sitting up.
"Around 9:30 I have the day off so I'm going to try and put the room together later." He said grabbing his own plate and sitting back down next to me and eating.
"Ok thank you I appreciate it." I said kissing him.
"I heard you get up last night how long were you down here?" He asked looking at me.
"I woke up at 4 and came down here until 7 and showered you were still out." I said.
"If you need anything wake me up I feel bad that you're up every night." He said as I laid my head on his lap once we were both done.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you too babe." He said leaning down and kissing me.
"Look on Instagram." Cody said smiling.
I grabbed my phone and saw that he had posted a picture of me.

Liked by scarlett, kikehndez and 217,192 otherscody_bellinger it's crazy how the time flew by we're enjoying our last few weeks before baby belli joins us! @scarlett

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Liked by scarlett, kikehndez and 217,192 others
cody_bellinger it's crazy how the time flew by we're enjoying our last few weeks before baby belli joins us! @scarlett

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