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The next day I spent most of the day answering emails and finalizing me and Cody's shoot the following day.
He left really early to get on a plane for a game with the Texas Rangers.
He somehow managed to not wake me up considering I haven't been able to really sleep knowing that Cody is somewhere else.
He tried to come home right after his game but ended up getting home pretty late.
When he walked into the garage I was falling asleep on the couch with the tv still on waiting up.
I woke up the the door shutting and looked over to see him with his bag.
I got up and walked to give him a kiss.
We talked about our day and the plan for tomorrow.
I let kota out one last time while Cody got in bed and I fell asleep as soon as I got into bed and he wrapped his arm around my waist.
The next morning I woke up early considering we went to bed at 9:30 compared to 2 am.
I finally got an entire day to myself with Cody without any baseball before he leaves again.
I picked out my outfit which was a white and blue dress from princess Polly with some white sandals and a pair of silver little hoops.
I turned on the shower and got in after taking Cody's hoodie that I wore to bed.
I put my head back under the hot water that was practically making my skin turn like a lobster.
I looked down at my belly that didn't quite have a bump yet but would soon.
I looked up quickly as Cody opened the door and got in behind me.
"Good morning baby." He said giving me a kiss.
"You ready to announce our little baby to the world." I said.
"More than ready." He said smiling.
"Soon I'm gonna have a little bump that's crazy." I said touching my stomach.
"We gotta talk about a lot of stuff maybe we can do your favorite Chinese and talk over dinner here I want to take you out but I don't think we should go out where people are listening to our wedding and baby plans." He said laughing.
"That works for me it's a great idea." I said.
We finished showering a few minutes later and stepped out grabbing a towel.
"What should I wear?" Cody asked coming behind me and kissing my shoulder.
"How about the black pants you really like and maybe a simple t shirt and watch." I said thinking.
"Works with me future Mrs. Belli." He said.
"By the way I emailed the wedding planner and we need to call her and have a meeting the next time you're here for the day." I said kissing him before he went and got dressed.
"Ok baby I will let you know." He said from the closet.
I blow dried my hair and curled it and did my makeup which ended up being my normal routine.
I eventually got dressed as Cody was waiting and put on my shoes along with my engagement ring that I don't wear at night and perfume.
"You look gorgeous as always." Cody said looking up at me.
"You look hot Mr. Bellinger." I said smiling.
We ate a quick breakfast before grabbing everything that we needed and got in the car.
We drove about 45 minutes in traffic to the place we were shooting with the photographer.
After about an hour we got back into the car after thanking the photographer and that he would send us the pictures by the end of the day.
We picked up a smoothie and headed home.
We camped out cuddled in our bed with Cody for most of the day and ordered takeout around dinner time.
I grabbed a plate and sat down at the table as Cody did the same.
"So let's start with the wedding." I said.
"We can always do a little thing with close family and friends while I'm still early in my pregnancy in a few months and do something simple and maybe after the baby is born we can do more a more extended party where people can come meet the baby and celebrate our family." I said.
"I actually really like that we can still do a normal wedding but in a few months and then the baby, what are our plans for him or her?" He asked.
"I mean you're going to be ending the season when I have the baby so hopefully he or she will hold on till after the season is over and we get to decorate the nursery and take little parent classes don't worry about it we will figure it out and we always have your parents and friends." I said smiling.
We talked for a while afterwards and sat on the couch watching Netflix.
After a few hours we went and got ready for bed and cuddled until we both fell asleep.

it all started at the ballgame//c.b.Where stories live. Discover now