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The next few days we spent hanging out with his family, shopping, and eating around the town.
We both had said goodbye to his parents and Cole was taking us to the airport.
I was flying back to LA and Cody was flying straight to Boston.
We said goodbye to cole and walked into the airport.
His flight was an hour before mine so I had to say goodbye.
"I will see you in 8 days." Cody said hugging me.
"Play good baby." I said making him laugh.
"Alrighty I love you." He said.
"I love you." I said kissing him before he walked away.
I got Starbucks before I boarded the plane.
After an hour we landed back at LAX.
Mady was picking me up so I bought us both smoothies before walking outside to see her with her and coreys dog Hazel.
"Hazel baby." I said putting our smoothies down and holding her.
"Hi sissy." Mady said hugging me.
She took a picture of me and hazel and sent it to Cody.
We both got into the car and hazel was asleep on my lap.
"I almost got a dog the last time cody was gone." I said to Mady.
"You should have." She said.
"I know but she was just a puppy and i had to wait to get her." I said.
"I mean worse case scenario you always have me to watch it I don't think hazel would mind." She said.
"I can't believe your actually talking me into this." I said.
"I'm just going to tell cody that it was all your idea." Mady said.
"I will text the lady I was talking to." I said.
"Hazel your going to have a cousin." She said.
"Cody's going to kill me." I said.
"Well he can't make you change your mind if he isn't here so I say do it." She said.
I texted the owner of the puppies and she immediately got back to me.
'Absolutely come by anytime you want :)' the owner sent.
'Does sometime this afternoon work?' I sent.
'I should be home all day and you know the address it works.' She said.
'Perfect see you later.' I sent.
"Well I'm stopping by later." I said.
"Oh my god I'm so excited." Mady said.
She dropped me off at my house and I unpacked and showered before getting ready.
I got into my car and drove to Mady's house.
We drove to the owners house and pulled into the driveway.
We knocked on the door and the owner opened the door.
"Hi Scarlett it's nice to see you again." She said hugging me.
"It's nice to see you too thank you for letting us come on such short notice." I said.
"It's no problem." She said.
"This is Mady by the way." I said.
"It's nice to meet you." She said.
We met 2 puppies and I immediately fell in love with one.
She is an Australian Shepard and is very cuddly.
"I'm telling you your going to regret it if you don't get her." Mady said.
"I know I'm going to do it." I said.
I wrote a check for the owner and we said goodbye and thank you before walking to the car.
"I just bought a fucking puppy." I said.
"She's so cute scar." Mady said holding her as I drove us to the pet store.
I held her as we walked into pet smart.
We got her a collar and food bowls along with toys and food.
After spending way to much money we made her a tag.
"What are you going to name her?" Mady asked.
"Kota me and Cody always talk about that name." I said.
We put the address and our phone numbers along with the name.
We paid and got back into the car.
We made it back to my house where we set everything up.
Mady eventually left later that night and ally came home.
"What did you do?" She said petting Kota.
"I bought a dog this is Kota." I said.
"She is so cute." Ally said holding her.
"I know I'm in love." I said.
"Does Cody know?" She asked.
"Nope I'm waiting until he comes back." I said.
"Oh lord." She said.
We both went to sleep.
Surprisingly Kota was pretty good about going potty outside but had an accident inside once.
After a few days she got used to everything and I stayed at Cody's for a few nights so she was used to it.
Cody was coming home tomorrow morning.
I spent most of the day running errands and working.
Me and Mady have been hanging out a lot and we took the pups to the beach.
I set my alarm for the morning to come and pick up Cody from the airport.
I eventually fell asleep.

it all started at the ballgame//c.b.Where stories live. Discover now