Chapter 1

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There were two boys, Alex and Mathew. Alex worked for a Private defense company PFC so he had to go to New Jersey to inspect a private scientific laboratory. They were supposed to be working on a serum which should have been able to cure almost any disease. But due to some problems, it wasn't working out and hence Alex was sent by PFC to check if the work process was going on smoothly or not. He took Mathew, his best friend so that he doesn't get bored. Mathew always liked to go on tours like these with Alex. PFC allowed Mathew to travel with Alex as his father used to work for PFC too and so Mathew was aware about how important were these things. Hence he became trustworthy enough to travel with Alex. They had to depart from the airport at New York at 8:00 in the night. There flight was a little late so it took off at 8:30. They would reach New Jersey Airport by 9:00 or 9:15 at max.
While in the flight, Mathew asked Alex, "So what exactly are we going for again?"

"For God's sake. I've told you a hundred times that I can't tell you things like this in places where there are many people. And by the way I've told you about ten times already." Replied Alex

"Place where there are people? There are literally just five more passengers in this flight except us."

"But I can't"

"Hey come on pleeeeeaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeee."

"Ugggggggghhhhhh. Okay for the final time..." Alex came close to Mathew to whisper in his ear, "One of our laboratories in New Jersey is making a Serum, which can cure almost every disease. But the scientists have found that when they tested it on one of the patients he was okay for sometime. But according to them, it has changed much of the patient's physical appearance. It has made him look very... weird. Also from this morning they have found out that he started acting strange, like muttering words to himself sitting in a corner. He won't eat anything or talk to anyone else. They gave him an improved version of the serum and now he's better. So they have given it to about a hundred more patients, some have cancer, some have Tuberculosis, some have the corono virus... this might cure all of them. I just have to make sure that everything is going on smoothly."

"I know I just wanted to hear it again. Hehe"

"Come on man"

"Yeah yeah, you just sleep for some time. I'm going read my book."

"Yeah okay"

Alex tried to sleep but he couldn't for some reason. So he just looked out at the clouds for a couple of minutes but he got bored so he took out his phone. Connected his headphones to his phone and played his playlist.

The plane landed after some time, both of them picked up their bags from the cabins above and then started moving out of the plane. Mathew told him he would rush out and get a cab. Just when Alex was getting out, someone called him, "Alex?"

"Who's asking... Matt? Is that You?" Alex turned around and was shocked to see it was Matt, one of his old friends and the pilot of the flight.

"What are you doing here?"

"I can't come to visit a place?"

"Well we both know you are a bit busy, so whatever. I guess it would be some Business work?"

"Yeah... it's kind of an inspection I have to do cause one of the branches of my company is going through a loss and well... who wants to go into a loss right?"

"Yeah. You wanna hang out some day? I can call Larry too?"

"Yeah sure, but maybe after two days? I'm kinda a busy for these two days"

"Yeah sure no problem, also... Shit I gotta go we pilots have a meeting in fifteen minutes. I have to eat something. See you later"

"Yeah okay bye"

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