The Painted Prince (Adrienette/Fluff/Horror?)

Start from the beginning

"One day the General of the French army and the right-hand man of the King proposed an arranged marriage between the Princess and his son; Adrien Agreste. The King and General agreed that this marriage would strengthen the kingdom but when Adrien was told of the marriage he quickly begged his Father to not make him marry that selfish Princess. His Father a cold harsh man told him it was an honor to become a Prince and marry royalty. This then inspired Adrien to start writing in a journal before the wedding."

Marinette looked away from the painting over to the glass case where Prince Adrien Agreste's journal laid, she blinked and shuddered at the sudden feeling of lips on her back neck. Spinning around she blushed as she was met with the smiling portrait of the tragic Prince. "I-it must have been a bug." she muttered and continued to swipe her brush over his hands. The portrait was taller then Marinette and the Prince was a normal human length, he towered over Marinette just by a few inches.

"The Princess threw a tantrum at being forced to marry a General's son but when Princess Chloe found out the General was filthy rich and had a handsome son she was more than happy to marry Adrien. Adrien, on the other hand, was not as pleased with his future fiance. He wrote in his journal; "They made me get down on a bendeth knee and hold a hideous expensive diamond ring out to this blonde rat of a Princess. In all my years I wished to only bendeth down on a knee to my true love with a simple diamond ring and take her hand, ask for her love and kiss thy lips. Now I have to deal with a selfish fiance who cares only for looks and money."

Marinette laughed softly at the mention of the rat Princess remark. She dipped her brush back into the liquid giggling and frowning at the words that the voice had said. "Awe poor Adrien he only wanted true love." Bending back up Marinette nearly had a heart attack as the painted Prince's fake smile was now a warm smile and his eyes, his eyes were looking at her. Blinking she rubbed her eyes and the painting was back to normal. "I-I think it's time I take a coffee break." she muttered believing that she was tired and was just seeing things. Climbing down the ladder she moved over to her coffee cup and took a long sip from it, taking her gloves off along with her apron she sat down. Her raven hair was glowing in the moonlight along with the red, lime green, and blue diamond Chinese flower hair clip that was holding her bun in place. Her pink cheeks were complimented by her dangling white pearl earrings that matched her white sweater dress. Sitting down on a blanket she sat and listened to the voice not noticing the Painted Princes cheeks were now a light shade of red.

"Adrien Agreste was then forced to spend time and try and 'woo' his fiance into loving him. He wrote; "I would rather spend time in hell with the Devil than my fiance, at least the Devil would have been nicer." For the next few months, Adrien had to keep his fiance happy before the wedding. Every day he had to spend with Princess Chloe the more he felt himself lose his feelings. "My heart has no beat for this woman, my cheeks show no color for my bride. I smile and pretend but cry and seethe on the inside. Sometimes I wish I was a normal baker son who could fall in love with a normal woman and marry. But I am a General's son, I must marry royalty and break before I snap."

Marinette frowned and stood up, walking over to the portraits of Gabriel Agreste and Chloe Bourgeois. "What horrible people, he couldn't even let his son love who he wishes to love and she was a selfish Princess with no heart." Marinette sighed and moved over to the glass case where Adrien's journal laid.

"Days before the wedding though something happened that made this story the tragic story it is. One day Adrien was free from his horrible fiance and went to his Mother's old rose garden, it was around noon when the sound of a window breaking caught Adrien's attention. Adrien moved to investigate what had caused the sound when a hooded figure ran out from the Agreste mansion, a bag of gold in their hands. Adrien wrote in his journal about his encounter; "They ran with such speed and moved with such grace it was amazing, I though idiotically called out to them to stop, they of course didn't stop which then caused me to chase them to the gardens wall." When Adrien finally caught up to the hooded figure he had an encounter that would change his life forever. The hooded figure had run all the way to the end of the garden's walls, hidden away from the guards that were chasing them."

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