The Story of Blanc (ANGST/Tragic Love)

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Song: The Story of The Phantom- Goosebumps the Musical

I Recommend you listen to the song while reading! Also, the song is really good too!

After the Rocketear incident, the classroom was split. Half of the class was split between believing that Chat Noir would flirt with Rena Rouge and that he was a playboy. The other half believed that Chat Noir really loved Ladybug and was only joking around with Rena. Though Marinette had joined Team Chat Noir, Nino stood his ground and didn't believe that Chat Noir was in love with Ladybug. Mrs. Bustier didn't know how to stop her students from arguing about this but found there was no point as the students only kept yelling at each other. Marinette did her best to defend her partner and Alya helped back her up. Adrien only stayed quiet.

The arguing was stopped by another student running and slamming the door to the class open. "You guys have to see this! In the courtyard! Two students from the future are here!" Mrs. Bustier's class murmured and began to stand up and run out of the class, their arguments long forgotten. "Wait, is it an Akuma?" Marinette asked as she stood up with worry in her eyes, she and Alya met eyes and she nodded. Alya and Marinette ran out of the door, Alya saw her classmates leaning over the railing watching what looked like the two future people were talking to the students of the school. The class gasped at the sight of the students but mainly at the boy who was wielding the fox miraculous. The boy had gold hair with orange and white tips just like Rena Rouge, his suit was simple, just like Rena's except his was male. The girl next to him didn't wield a miraculous. She had blonde long hair that was braided into a long french braid, she wore a simple school uniform. Her eyes were bluebells just like Marinette's. Her sunny attitude shined as she smiled.

Alya looked at Marinette shocked, Marinette only shrugged. All the school was out and watching the two-time travelers with curiosity. Adrien looked down and only frowned, he couldn't decide to transform or not. They weren't Akuma's, they looked harmless.

"WOW! So many people! There aren't a lot of students at this school in the future!" The fox miraculous wielder said as he clutched onto the girl as students surrounded them. "Don't worry I got this,'' she told her friend and cleared her throat, catching the attention of all of the school. "Greetings past students of College Dupont! I am Emilie and this is my boyfriend Allen!" The school went silent to hear what the two strangers were saying. Adrien looked curiously at the girl who had his mother's name. "We have traveled the Multiverse to tell you a story! My boyfriend and I have made it our sole duty to spread this story all throughout the Multiverse!" Emilie said as her boyfriend grabbed one of the school's lunch tables and dragged the table to the center of the school's courtyard. Emilie stood on the table and puffed out her chest proudly.

"I have come to tell you the tragic love story of Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

"Tragic love story?"

"Ladybug and Chat Noir tragic love?"

Adrien flinched and felt his heart stop

Once she said those lines the school went into an uproar.

Emilie smiled and looked up at the students on the balcony and her eyes looked with Marinette's, for a second Emilies bright appearance deflated and sadness filled her eyes. Then she looked over at Adrien who was staring at her, waiting for her to tell the story. She noticed that they were both by each other. She smiled and turned back to the crowd of students. "Allen, are you ready?" she asked her boyfriend who smiled and plucked his flute off of his back, he played a soft, kind tune that caused the tip of the flute to glow. "Mirage!" Allen yelled as he threw the ball of light at the center of the school courtyard, students watched in amazement as a giant screen appeared and Allen began to play his flute as the screen began to change

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