Destiny written in Stone (Adrienette/Ladynoir)

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Just wanted to finally post this.

A story as old as time but forgotten and erased from existence for its romantic tragedy.

They say that miraculous bring miracles but every miracle comes with a cost.

Once Upon a Time, when a Ladybug is chosen she is to fall in love with a bright sun Prince as Ladybugs love the sun that they bask in. But because the sun Prince is so bright he attracted others and shunned and was blinded by his light not seeing that the Ladybug was in love with him.

The Ladybug did everything in her power to get the sun Prince to notice her, but her efforts were all for nothing as a Princess and a Witch had the sun Prince's attention. The Princess tortured her subjects but the Prince never seemed to care leaving the Ladybug to clean up and purify the mess.

The Ladybug wanted the Prince's attention but had attracted a loyal Knight's heart. The knight had fallen deeply in love with the Ladybug for her compassion and kindness.

But the Ladybug had fallen in love with the Prince who showed no care or love for her. The Knight stayed loyal to his Ladybug.

The Prince was adored and praised by all and so a wicked witch lied to the Prince's subjects. The Ladybug tried to expose the witch but was shocked when her so-called friends turned on her. The Ladybug begged the Prince to help her.

He did not

In the end, the story closes with the Prince and the Witch being together for the happiness of the Prince's subjects.

Leaving the Ladybug alone and Heartbroken.

The Darkness takes over the Ladybug's shattered heart and turns her into a monster, thus her loyal knight so devoted to his helping his Lady kills the monster not realizing he has murdered his beloved.

But sadly this created a Destiny for the Ladybug

The Ladybug would fall in love, then have her heart shattered by the one she loved only for her rightful love to take his sword and take her life.

Who is the Prince?

Who was the Knight?

And why

Why was the Ladybug destined to lose her heart and have the Prince break it?

Why did the Ladybug's friends believe the Witch?

Who ended the story?

More importantly who wrote the story?

Chat Noir's claw ripped the page, a tear in the so-called destiny that would fall his beloved Ladybug, tears filled his eyes. "This can't be, oh god this can't be!" he wailed as he flipped through the book. "What can't be Chat Noir?" a soft female voice asked concerningly, the Akuma peeked over Chat Noir's shoulder the smell of roses drifting through the air. The Akuma had been a fan of fairytales and was so obsessed with knowing their destiny, but was teased about it a lot thus making her become FairyQueen.

Chat Noir flipped through the pages.

But each page was already a finished tale, the Ladybug becomes a hero, falls in love, gets her heart broken then turns into a monster only to be killed at the hands of her true lover. Each page had already ended each with the Knight mourning the loss of his beloved. "No, No this can't be how our destiny ends!" he yelled then crazily the Akuma watches him as he begins to rip out the pages screaming.

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