The Painted Prince (Adrienette/Fluff/Horror?)

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Super long but hope you like.


"Marinette thank you again for coming! I couldn't get Samantha to come since she had a family emergency and this painting is going to be revealed tomorrow! It hasn't been cleaned or fixed and I- just thank god you were available!" Marinette smiles as her boss stops rambling, she hands him her handkerchief and the small Italian man takes it. "Thank you Marinette, it's just this painting will be revealed tomorrow to celebrate the museum's anniversary and Samantha was supposed to be here to clean it up." The Italian man waved Marinette to follow him, she did and walked through the empty museum, the quiet night made the halls echo as they walked to a giant curtain that was covering a big area. The small man moved the curtain and let Marinette in, she smiled at the new attraction; Days in France shined happily, the chandelier and paintings glowed in the moonlight.

Marinette looked at the paintings and the statues as her boss dabbed his sweaty forehead. "It is no problem, Mr. Red." Mr. Red smiles and takes her hand shaking it wildly, "Oh thank you Marinette you are an Angel!" Marinette smiled at her boss and began to take her jacket off as her boss began to walk away. "Oh!" He suddenly said and Marinette turned around to him, "I nearly forgot! Here Marinette as a reward for your help you can listen to the history of the painting." He tosses a closed CD box at her and she caught it as he walked out. "Good night Mr. Red!" her boss waves goodbye and the curtain closes leaving Marinette alone. She looks down at the CD case and shrugs her shoulders. Taking her black jacket off she feels her dangling pearl earrings sway as she leans down to open the boombox. She took out the CD and placed it in the boombox, standing up she patted down her white sweater dress and tidied her bun.

Classical old music played for a few minutes as Marinette tugged off the sheet that was covering the painting she needed to fix. The white sheet fell and Marinette gasped at the giant portrait. Finally, the classical music faded and a soft female voice started to speak from the boombox.

"Days in France: The tragic story of Prince Adrien Agreste, the last Prince of Paris."

Marinette backs up from the painting to get a better look at it, The blonde handsome prince was smiling in a rose garden and holding what looked like a diamond hair clip in his hands. His smile looked fake but was still convincing, he wore the French colors and the crown on his head shimmered even if it was just a painting. His emerald green eyes pored into Marinette's and she shook her head. She laid the ladder against the wall, the voice continued to speak.

"In the late 18th century, France was ruled by King Andre Bourgeois and his wife, Queen Audrey Bourgeois. Their daughter Princess Chloe Bourgeois was the heir to the throne and refused to marry anyone who was not as rich as her."

Marinette rolled her eyes as she tied her apron and pulled on her gloves, she could remember learning about that in high school. She always hated the Princess and now this was a wonderful reminder for Marinette that the blonde was an asshole. She picked up her brush and placed the bucket on the ladders shelf, climbing up the ladder, she dipped her brush in the cleaning material and began painting. She moved her brush across his chest, the voice still speaking as the full moon lit the room.

"King Andre Bourgeois wanted his daughter to have a child so he knew the throne would be secure when he died. Unfortunately, the Princes of the other kingdoms were not as rich as the French Kingdom meaning the Princess refused at least all of her suitors saying they were too poor and ugly to marry a wealthy beautiful Princess like her."

Marinette shook her head, wiping the brush over the Prince's eyes making the once dull green pop as the moon and clock hit midnight. She smiled and carefully traced the Prince's lips, dipping the brush back into the bucket, quickly brushing her bangs out of her face, making sure her diamond hairclip was still in her hair. Suddenly the windows burst open and made Marinette flinch, the curtains flew around fiercely as the window jolted the room. Quickly rushing down the ladder she went over to the huge window and grabbed the shudders pushing them close and tying the curtains back. She sighed at the strange gust of wind that had blown open the windows, she rubbed her arms at the sudden coldness of the room, a chill went up to her spine as she felt as if someone was staring at her. She shook her head and continued her work.

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