Chapter 9

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"Caesar?" I hesitantly got the ape king's attention. When he established eye contact, I looked down, nervous. "I'd like to work on the dam today." I glanced back up to see his whole family staring at me. (Except Haze, who only had eyes for the little caterpillar crawling by his foot.)

"You don't have to work yet. Give yourself time to heal." He signed. I was surprised by his sympathy. Didn't they want me out as soon as possible?

"Please. I need something to do. I can't keep thinking about..." I pleaded, looking down again when I found myself unable to say his name. I wrapped my arms around myself and looked down at the breakfast on my lap. I heard Caesar heave a sigh and I looked up at him.

He nodded slightly while signing, "We will go after breakfast."

My shoulders sagged as I let a relieved breath, and I signed, "Thank you." After that I focused on trying to eat. I really didn't want to, but I didn't want to waste the food and risk angering the apes.

*time skip*

I was left alone when we reached the dam, and I silently got to work, putting all my attention and ability into getting this hunk of junk running again. I jumped in surprise when I felt a hand on my calf, and turned to see Blue Eyes crouching near me, hours later. I was shocked when I noticed that there was barely any light, and I realized I must have worked the day away again. I pulled the lantern I had been using to light up the panel I was working under out so I could see his signing easier.

"Getting late. We should head back now."

I nodded and closed up the panel I had been working on. I cleaned up my tools, placing them back into my tool belt. When I looked up, my head quirked a bit in confusion. "Where is everyone?" It was only Blue Eyes and me inside, normally there were one or two here and there.

"Had to help with something. Just left." He explained.

I nodded and stood up. We made our way out of the dam and off the logs outside. Then it was a silent trek through the forest towards the village. Well, half of it was silent. Blue Eyes heard it just before I did, holding his arm out in front of my chest to stop me. I was about to question the action when I heard a horse's neigh, followed by the thundering of hooves. We were at the side of the trail, so I wasn't worried about being trampled. But I was surprised when a gorgeous dark grey dappled mare could be seen running our way.

I don't know what strange force compelled me to step out in front of a speeding horse and hold my arms up like an idiot, but it did. The horse gave a high bellow as soil flew forward in the wake of it's skidding hooves and the animal reared onto her hind legs, beating at the air with her hooves. Her front legs dropped to the ground with a loud thud and her two front legs continued to leave the ground a few inches as she hopped a few times.

"Shhh. Easy. Easy." I cooed, waiting for the horse to calm down. Her ears flicked to and fro as her bobbed her head uneasily, letting out a high nicker. I risked a step closer, lowering my arms as I neared. The horse watched me suspiciously, but made no advancements. I cooed to her held out my hand, palm up, like I had a treat in the palm. The horse took a step forward, head lowered, sniffing at my fingers. I waited for her to get closer, and when she did, I raised one hand slowly, keeping it in her sight and stroked her broad cheek.

My hand traveled up to stroke and pat her neck as I held her snout in my other hand. "Easy. Good girl. You're a pretty one, aren't you?" I said softly. I bent down and ripped a clump of long grass from the ground and brushed away the roots and dirt before laying it flat in my hand and presenting it to the horse. She dipped her head and her soft lips stroked the skin of my palm as she ate.

My Little Bird | Blue Eyes (Under minor grammatical editing)Where stories live. Discover now