Chapter 5

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I cried silently into my brother, who tried even harder than I to be silent. I shoved my face into his body and wanted desperately to feel my mother embrace us, envelope us in her wonderful lavender scent and tell us it was nothing but a bad dream. But my mother couldn't do that. Not anymore. My heart clenched painfully once more at the thought.

A hand touched my shoulder and I squeaked and flinched in fright, cowering into my brother before I could register that it had been a light, comforting touch and not one meant to inflict pain. After a few moments the touch returned, feather light. It seemed to calm my inner turmoil some, like sunlight filtering through an angry sea storm after the waves have finished their tantrum. I leaned into the touch some, and it seemed to freeze for a moment before it started to rub little circles into my back and shoulder.

I was able to calm myself some, enough to trap the tears I still had inside, saving them for later when I would need them. My shoulders stopped shaking after a few more minutes, and when I couldn't breathe, and my face was warm, I wriggled my head out of Dax's grip, and he relocated his arm that had been holding my neck to my back. I wiped my tears off my face and let out a little gasp when I felt a touch on my wrist.

Blue Eyes was by my side, he had been the one touching me. His gaze was locked on my wrist, and his fingers grazed over the bruised flesh of where Drake had grabbed me. It was radiating heat and it throbbed painfully, I felt a single tear slid down my cheek. My eyes were drawn up to the young ape's eyes, and I had yet another moment of intense, silent, not unpleasant eye contact with him.

"Why did he do that?" He signed, his confusion perfectly clear. I could also see a few other emotions swimming around in his oceanic eyes, among those I could identify worry and disgust.

I sighed defeatedly and shook my head. "I wish I knew."

Dax lifted his head and froze. I caught his eye and his gaze was on my cheek, eye brows furrowed. He reached out at touched my face, and my cheek stung, causing me to flinch.

"He hurt you?" Dax whispered.

I looked away.

"Rain." He said.

"It's nothing." I said and signed.

Dax never replied. He simply untangled himself from me, and got to his feet. I was left sitting on the ground watching him walk down the path. When I realized what my brother planned to do, I gasped and got to my feet, trying to ignore the limp I had. I stood in front of the much taller male and started speaking and signing to him.

"Dax, no. Please don't." I said and signed.

"Get out of my way, Rain." He tried to step around me, but I blocked him again.

"The damage is done, Brother. Revenge isn't going to make me heal any faster. Leave it, please." I begged.

He stared me down, and I met his chocolate gaze pleadingly. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, turning away. When he turned back, he took a step away and studied me. I took the time to do so myself, and asses my wounds. Bruises dotted my legs, and I regretted choosing to wear shorts today. My cheek stung and when I put a finger to it, blood was left on my finger. Drake must have been wearing a ring. My head was hot and throbbing, a headache starting to bloom where he had pulled my hair.

"Why didn't you tell me? You know you could have gotten my attention at any time. Why didn't you tell me?" I flinched at the hurt in Dax's voice.

I looked down at my toes, not answering. He walked over to me and put his hands on the spaces between my neck and shoulders. I still refused to meet his gaze. "You have to stop this. Don't try to protect me. It's my job to protect you. And I failed." He pulled me to his chest. "I'm so sorry, baby sister."

My Little Bird | Blue Eyes (Under minor grammatical editing)Where stories live. Discover now