Chapter 25

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"Would you stop that! Working here." Deuce growled as he slapped away Lisa's hand.

Imagine my surprise when Deuce the don't-you-fuck-up-or-I'll-fuck-you-up Oba insisted on helping me get ready for the wedding. But he had, and I wasn't dumb enough to ask for his motive.

Lisa had let out a little shriek at being pushed away. "You just told me to adjust-" she began before the aging chimp cut her off. 

"I changed my mind." He said as he made sure my hair framed my face neatly.

"Lisa, stop messing with Deuce." Cornelia chided as she made sure my dress was fitting properly.

"What? Me-?!" she began to protest.

"Yes, you." She said. "Now let the ape be and help me make sure this fits correctly."

"Guys, please, you've all done so much." I said, glancing down at myself. I have no idea how they did it, but someone did manage to find a white doe. They were unbelievably rare, and to find one just in time like this was the absolute epitome of uncanny coincidence. Most of the pelt was clean and unstained when it was brought in. I had started helping the apes learn how to make and shoot bows and arrows. It was an arrow that had struck down the doe, and it was quickly skinned and turned into a dress.

It was beautiful. The deer had never lost her youth spots, even though she had been full grown when brought in, and the beautiful pale tan spots wrapped around my waist like a belt. None of the doe went to waist. Her bones were quickly bleached and cleaned and turned into beads and the pieces that now went into the necklace and matching bracelet on my neck and wrist. The beads had been woven into the neat little braids in my hair.

I hadn't wanted to be too dolled up. I wanted to do this looking the way I am, not all glamoured up. So we had decided to leave my hair down. Some of it fell over my shoulders, the rest cascaded down my back, shiny and smooth thanks to an hour and a half of intent grooming.

Blue Eyes had gone out hunting on his own a week and a half ago, and ran into a band of three lone wolves running together. He had downed all three, and the sweetheart had donated their furs to me. Two of them were added to the inside of my homemade jackets, giving the insulation they had been lacking. I had loved the idea he had proposed for them when he gave them to me. But alas, one of the wolves had been white furred, and as soon as Cornelia seen it, she knew what it's destiny was. It was sewn into the waist area of the dress, making my hips flare out even more than they already did.

On my feet were a new pair of moccasin boots wrapped delicately with the scraps left by the females who had sewn my dress. Even earrings were painstakingly carved once Deja found the piercings in my ears. Two pairs of earrings had been made, one pair was short but dangled from my ear and the other pair were two identical silhouettes of doves in flight (a request made not by Blue Eyes, but by Ash). I couldn't choose between the two, so Deja had helped me to safely pierce my lobes a second time. Bodily piercings weren't relatively new to apes, so it was a nice touch. I now wore both pairs of jewelry in my ears.

The bracelet was carved to resemble a wreath of vines wrapping themselves daintily around my wrist. The necklace started near my collar bones and were made of cylindrical bone pendants that got longer as they went down, dipping into an elegant triangular shape down my chest.

The last touch to all of this was the ceremonial blue and white paint that was tattooed onto my skin. The back of my hand had thick strokes of light blue paint, outlined and/or detailed with thinner strokes of white. The paint drew intricate patterns up my arms, over my shoulders and down to draw a pretty pattern around my necklace. The paint also went down my midriff and legs, but of course, that was covered by the dress, but I liked it anyway. The paint also streaked down my back and flowed out right above my butt. Even the back of my neck was painted.

My Little Bird | Blue Eyes (Under minor grammatical editing)Where stories live. Discover now