Chapter 31

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Labor was both quick and sempiternal seeming all at the same time. It was maybe an hour and a half before I had to start pushing. Ellie and Aria were at my head, directing and reassuring me through the process. I bit down on my lip, barely avoiding puncturing the tender skin as I tried hard to refrain from screaming. I had only pushed twice, and already I felt like my pelvis was on fire. A drop of sweat trickled down my temple, and though I felt the urge to wipe it away, I didn't, too busy trying to prepare myself for the next contraction.

"You are doing so well, Rain!" Armando encouraged. "One more push should do it. Get ready, one, two, three..."

I gave a tiny grunt before a loud whimpering strained from my throat. I gave a big push, and very quickly I felt instant relief from the searing pain. I slumped down in exhaustion, but a small cry and whimper perked me up again. One of my midwives, Dana, handed me a tiny, wet bundle. I almost forgot to breathe as I gazed down on the little baby chimp in my arms. My eyes burned as I looked down on that wet little ball of fur as it squirmed slightly, pushing its face into my chest as it opened and closed its toothless little mouth.

A tired smile ghosted my face as I lifted a hand and slid a finger down the side of its small head. I barely heard the hoots or felt the pats of congratulations and welcome, the entirety of my attention was with this little child, my baby. But suddenly, another pain swept through me, and I tensed with a sharp gasp. Almost as soon as I gave the indication that I was hurting, everyone sprung back into action.

"Oh-oh my God! There's another one coming!" Ellie gasped.

Suddenly Deja was there, and she gently pried the baby from my arms. I couldn't resist her, I was too caught off guard by another contraction. "M-my baby!" I gasped through the pain.

I was shell shocked at what I'd just heard. I had already had the baby, what was happening now? I couldn't be having two, could I? But the pain that engulfed my body again begged to differ. I could feel the hands of my midwives and Obas all over me, offering strength and comfort in this unexpected moment, but none of it did anything to relieve the dull agony. But luckily, what took three pushes for the first, took only one for the second. Again I felt a child slide away from me, and a delicate, tinkling little voice cried out in protest.

"It's a girl!" I heard Armando's joyful cry as he handed the baby to an Oba, who in turn passed her to me.

Deja then returned my first child, my son, to me, and I cradled two little chimpanzees in my arms. As soon as I looked at those two bundles, all thought about how I could have possibly just delivered twins, and any recollection of discomfort fled my mind completely. The only cognitive thought that was capable of keeping my attention was how enamored, how in love I was with them both. It was an entirely different kind of love than I felt for my brother, the kind I had felt for my mother and eldest sibling, even different than the love I had for Blue Eyes.

This love was fierce and harsh and rash. I knew without a doubt that I was absolutely taken, I would be anything and everything these two little beings needed. These two little beings, for whom I'd spent the past eight and a half months giving life to had stolen my heart in a matter of seconds, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. A shift in the vine curtain let in a ray of dying sunshine into the corner of my eye, and I looked up to see my prince standing there, eyes wide and chest heaving slightly. I smiled at the sight of him, happy to finally have him near.

"Blue..." I whispered, wanting to reach out to him but then again never wanting to let go of these two children, who laid still now, nuzzling into my chest. I looked back down when something clicked and I realized what they needed, so I pulled down the neckline of my shirt and guided each to a breast, and they immediately started to suckle. I drew in a breath of wonder at the odd sensation.

My Little Bird | Blue Eyes (Under minor grammatical editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ