Chapter 17

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When slumber lifted it's veil from my mind, I was encased in warmth. A faint sound roused me a bit more, the deep hiss of breath. I slowly opened my eyes to see a dark chest very close to my face, pinkish scars running along the left pectoral. I became aware of the entanglement my limbs were in as consciousness grew stronger. When the blanket of comfort shifted, I realized it was not a blanket, but Blue Eyes. My neck shifted slightly at the same time his chin tucked in, and the result was a pleasant splash of fondness as our eyes met. The moment I laid odd eyes on those oceanic orbs, the most recent events of the night before came rushing back. The confused annoyance, the startle of the ape's sudden moodiness, and the beautiful words of his confession played through my mind. I gave him a small smile in greeting and he returned it, the stretch of his lips softening his features.

"I love you." His husky morning voice whispered.

My smile widened a bit at the sound while my heart fluttered in my chest at the words. "I love you, Blue Eyes." I answered.

The prince leaned his head down and pulled me closer, flexing his biceps as our foreheads met. I closed my eyes and sighed happily. Blue Eyes broke the gesture first to lay a kiss on my forehead before pulling me closer to him, and I gladly snuggled up to him. Is this a dream? I thought to myself. I hope nobody pinches me. A content smile drifted lazily on my lips as Blue Eyes held me, the both of us happy to just lay there in each other's embrace. I contemplated trying to sleep again, but when I acknowledged the happy buzzing in my brain, I knew I wouldn't be able to. How long had I imagined this happening? And how many times had I shot the notion down and labeled it impossible? But here I was, in Blue Eyes' strong embrace. In honor of my newfound happiness, I nuzzled my head into Blue Eyes' chest. He reciprocated the gesture by curling his body around me slightly, pulling me further into the mindset that we could stay like this forever.

My body rose slightly as Blue Eyes heaved a sigh, then felt the tickle of his face gently nuzzling the top of my head. "You're beautiful." His voice whispered, and the gravely morning tone to the words sent appreciative shivers down my spine. A smile stretched my lips again as butterflies fluttered within me, and I leaned up to give him a kiss.

"You think so?" I whispered back, trying to push down my bashfulness.

Blue Eyes nodded his head lazily. "I've wanted to tell you that. For a long time, little Bird."

I glanced down shyly before giving his lips another slow peck. "Thank you and good morning." I said softly.

The scarred prince wore a lazy smirk as he gazed into my eyes. "Morning."

I laid my head down on his hard chest and hugged him to me with one arm as I glanced out of the crusty, draped windows. There was no sunlight that I could see, but pale pre-dawn light made the dirty windows glow with the milky colors of the moon. Blue Eyes slung an arm around my shoulders and we just laid there in silence, content with our silent company. The silence ended too soon for my liking, but I suppose everything comes to an end sooner or later, good or bad.

"I should leave soon." Blue Eyes murmured.

I craned my neck to look at him. Somehow I didn't think he meant leaving the room. "To where?"

"Back to the, city. Have to help Father."

"What?" I propped myself up on my elbows. "You're going back there?"

"I have to."

"No, you don't." I shook my head slightly as I tried to keep my voice down, but my growing concern made it hard.

"Rain," He murmured gently. "I have to help my father. Koba, has to be, stopped."

I drew in a breath. "Koba?"

My Little Bird | Blue Eyes (Under minor grammatical editing)Where stories live. Discover now