Chapter 26

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----two weeks later----

A year ago, if you had told me that I'd find myself in love and married to an evolved ape who also happened to be a prince, I would have thought you had suffered a few too many hits to the head. But this was my reality, and I couldn't be happier. Blue Eyes and I shared the hollow in Home Tree, the hammock had been altered, and now stretched across an entire corner, allowing a bigger sleeping space.

This sudden dizziness I had gotten still affected me at random times, and I had been going to Aria to get an herbal remedy for it for these last few weeks. Blue Eyes was paranoid, worrying that I was sick. I'd even eavesdropped on him asking Alexander what the symptoms to the Flu were. But now even Ash was beginning to worry. Ash was aware of what went on around him, but he didn't often show his concern unless he felt concern was due. The fact that he was openly worrying got me even more paranoid than Blue Eyes already had me.

So, I was on my way to the healing hut, looking for a reason for this. The strong smell of herbs wreathed around me as I entered the threshold of the three story hut. It wasn't very busy but it wasn't very vacant either. The first Oba I found was the one I had gone out in search for, thankfully.

"Aria!" I called her name softly as I approached.

The head Oba paused from her leisurely walk to the herb stores. She didn't seem like she had anywhere to be right now, she never doddled when there was something that needed to be done, so I was glad I had caught her at a seemingly good time.

"Still dizzy?" She asked.

"Not right now, but..." I trailed off. "There has to be a reason for this. People don't just get random dizzy spells. Not like this."

Aria looked at me from behind her blue-ish white mask. "Okay, come on."

She led me to an exam room, and I sat myself down on the raised moss cot. She commenced in a routine check up, checking my eyes and feeling my throat. "It's safe to assume you've been eating correctly, yes?"

"Yeah, a little more than usual actually. It's weird, I've been getting hungry more often."

Aria paused in her examination and suddenly gave my boob a poke. I jumped at the unexpected soreness, as well as the unexpected jab. Her eyes narrowed and she did it again, lighter this time. She moved to the side and blatantly looked at them, moving to the other side to do the same thing. Not knowing what to make of this, I just sat there and waited for her to give a motive.

"Have they always been this size?" She asked, looking up at me.

"What are you talking abou- oh my God!" I gaped, looking down at my breasts. The shirt I wore didn't show that much cleavage, but it sure as hell wasn't a turtle neck either. Both breasts swelled much more than normal, and I noticed they jiggled at the slightest movement. They'd never done that before, at least not that much.

"They have never been that big!" I whisper-shouted, still gawking at them.

"Stand up." She ordered. I obeyed, stepping away from the cot as she began circling me, her eyes roaming my body.

"Take this off." She tugged on the hem of my shirt.

Shrugging, I slipped out of it and tossed it onto the cot, letting her examine me. She poked around my breasts a little more, and I tried not to shy away from her touch. She was a healer after all. Then she stood straight, looked me in the eye, and asked me a question that threw me way off.

"Rain, are you a virgin?"

"W-what?" I stuttered, taken completely by surprise. Why would she ask this..?

My Little Bird | Blue Eyes (Under minor grammatical editing)Where stories live. Discover now