Chapter 28

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----two weeks later----

Telling Cornelia and Caesar about my pregnancy went well enough. After the initial shock and worries, Cornelia was absolutely ecstatic, and Caesar had seemed like he was trying to hide his excitement. I was immensely happy to be receiving such wonderful reactions from everyone we told. The king and queen found out a week ago, and we had let Ash in on the news later the same day we had told Alexander.

Of course, the first thing he had said was, "You had seeex."

That's Ash for you. Afterward, he gave us his congratulations and his support, reacting much like Alex had. He couldn't wait to be Uncle Ash. Now the next people we had to tell was my side of the family. I was a little nervous about telling Ellie, but it was Malcolm I was really worried about. I would have been worried telling him even if this baby was completely human, but I dearly hoped he wouldn't discriminate. He wouldn't, right? He had seen first hand how evolved and un-animal-like the apes were. And he knew about the relationship Blue Eyes and I had had even before the wedding.

I decided to tell Ellie first. I found it worked well to explain things to her first before Malcolm, that way when it came time to tell my father, Ellie would be able to calm him down and get him to listen. She was good at that. Her presence calmed people. I think that was what helped me get used to her so quickly. Back then that normally never would have happened. I had always minded my manners but to trust someone so quickly had been much out of the norm.

Right now I was with her. She had taken to helping the Obas, like I had. We were out in the forest, and I was showing her some of the good places to find healing herbs. As we kneeled on the soft ground, picking the leaves off of important plants, I mentally prepared myself.

"Um, Aunt Ellie?" I started.


I cleared my throat. "I'm pregnant."

I didn't look up from where I was harvesting roots, but I was aware that she had stopped working. I wasn't sure if she had been aware already, I was showing a lot. But not enough that the ignorant couldn't blame it on eating too much. When I got the courage to look up at her, she was staring at my stomach. When she seen my body shift slightly when I turned to her, Ellie's eyes snapped up to meet mine.

"What?" She whispered.

I nodded at her unspoken question. I looked on with guarded eyes, trying to gauge her reaction. Her lips were parted and her hands were limp in her lap. I took in a soothing breath as I awaited her next words.

"You mean that...oh my god. Are you sure?" She gaped.

I turned my body so she could see my right side and lifted up my shirt, showing off the bump. She breathed a slow gasp, her eyes glued to my midriff. "Positive."

"Oh my god, Rain. This isn't possible." She continued to stare, and I was getting uncomfortable, so I pulled the hem of my shirt down, and her eyes met mine again.

I shrugged. "Somehow it is."

The look I gave her made her understand what I was silently asking. Her expression changed and she nodded. "I'll talk to him. I think you should be the one to tell him, though."

I sighed. "I will. But I'm scared to. What if he doesn't understand?"

"Rain, your father is one of the most open minded men I've ever met. He accepted the apes for what they are very quickly, didn't he? And he made no real objection when he found out about the feelings you and Blue Eyes have for each other, right?" She consoled.

"Well, yeah, but, now I'm pregnant. Fathers don't always react well when their daughters have their first children under normal circumstances, how is he gonna react to this? I'm afraid that he'll look at me differently from now on." I gave in to my worries.

My Little Bird | Blue Eyes (Under minor grammatical editing)Where stories live. Discover now