"My eyes are up here douche bag." I say pointing at my eyes. The rest of his team laughs at him being caught. I turn to Ethan not being impressed by the type of people he hangs around with. Ethan looks at me and shakes his head while still laughing at his friend. I near his ear so he could hear me over the amount of people in the cafeteria who are speaking way to loud. "I'm going somewhere else to eat. I can't stand this cafeteria food." I stand up and he nods his head while looking at me.

Before I was even two steps away from him he gently grabs my forearm and says, "You aren't thinking of ditching the rest of the school day right?" His smug smile looks at me indicating he knew what I was thinking of doing.

"And what if I was?" I say back with a smirk of my own.

"God, your so complicated sometimes." He says while chuckling and skating his head lightly. "We only have two periods left before we get to leave. The least you can do is stay today."

I send him a playful glare and push him. "You're lucky I have a soft spot for you or I would've punched your ugly face a long time ago." I say with a genuine smile. He lets go of me and laughs at my response. Not wanting to be inside with the rest of the students, I walk out through the the double doors of the cafeteria and outside. You can hear the birds chirping and the sway of the trees with the wind. I walk out to the parking lot and move all the way to the back where a big tree with huge branches is. I lay under it and relax while the cool breeze of the wind travels around me.

I close my eyes for a while and a few minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder. I open one eye and see Ethan with a smile. "At least you didn't leave the campus." He says while laughing at my sleeping form. I get up and stretch a bit while looking around. Al the students outside weren't there anymore and I give Ethan a questionable look. "Oh yea, the reason I came was because the bell rang about a couple minutes ago and I was looking for you to take you to your next class." He says while bowing to me as a joke.

I laugh and push him again. "Wow, what a gentlemen." I say playing along. We both walk towards the doors chuckling with each other and quietly enter not trying to get any of the security or staffs attention. When we enter without a problem we walk through the halls slowly trying to spend as much time as we could before actually going to class. "What about the not wanting me to miss any classes?"

"Well what can I say you're a bad influence on me." I smile trying not to laugh at his dumb behavior. After a bit we both stop in front of my class. He looks at me and knocks on the door. "Hopefully you don't get into ruble for coming in 15 minutes late." I wide my eyes a bit for seeing the amount of time that had went by. When the teacher opens the door Ethan looks at me and pushes me rather hard and dashes down the hallway. "See you in a bit, Miller." He yells behind him.

I quickly control my stumble and yell back, "You'll see about this, Ethan!" I knew he heard me when I heard his laugh from the other hallway. I turn around and see the teacher completely over me already. She moves her classes a bit down and scans me from head to toes.

"And how may I help you, young lady?" She asks with annoyance.

Internally laughing at her face I say, "I have this class. I was in it in the beginning couple of weeks." She glares at me before moving to the side allowing for me to enter.

"Maybe next time don't think about coming 20 minutes late to class." I roll my eyes and look at the class. Sitting right there right in the middle of the class, was no one other than Noah. I look back at the teacher and she says, "Why don't you just sit in a empty chair in the back. Try and pay attention to the remaining lesson we have." I nod and walk to the back without making eye contact with him.

As the teacher began teaching the class again about history or something I simply doodle on my notebook without worrying. After a while i began to zone out and hear her muffled voice. A couple minutes pass and I hear my name being called. "Ms.Miller, Ms.Miller, I'm calling on you." I look up and see the teacher glaring at me not caring to hide it from the rest of the students. "Would you like to tell us who we are talking about right now?" I look at the board and see random quotes and maps but no name. Knowing myself I simply look back at the teacher. I give her a 'I don't know' face. "Maybe don't doodle and actually pay attention the days you feel like coming. I'll also like to speak to you after class."

What a bitch, I say in my head annoyed on what I got myself into. Self reminder skip this class later on. After multiple agonizing minutes of the teacher explaining whoever she was talking about and their achievements the bell rang. I got up from the desk and got my stuff before I heard someone clear their throat. Looking up slowly already knowing who it was the teacher points at me and signals me to approach her desk. I groan quietly and walk towards her. "Your failing my class."

I look at her without breaking contact and say, "I'm aware." Unsure of what she expects me to say.

"Unless you learn the material you missed while on your 'little vacation' you'll fail the final." She says while saying the two words sarcastically.

"And I will when I have time." I say with an insincere smile.

"No, you have to learn it now, or else you'll be more behind then what you already are." She says getting angrier as the time goes on.

"And what do you expect me to do exactly?" I question her.

"There's a paper on the bulletin board outside where I want you to put your name and one of the students I appointed will be your tutor. You'll know who at the end of the day." I look at her not caring and nod my head. I quickly get my stuff and walk out without looking back. I open her class door and walk through the halls of students who parted aside a bit for me to walk. I look at the paper and see the names of about 3 students and I just simply write my name not caring. I can probably ask her for extra points just for writing my name in this dumb paper. I near my last class and sigh hoping these last hour go by quick.

As the bell rang I quickly get up and walk out not caring to hear the last bit of information of the teacher. Ethan is waiting for me outside and I give him a smile. "Oh I've never been this happy to leave this god forsaken school."

"Just wait until we graduate" says Ethan while we both walk out the school. We both push each other multiple times until he throws a punch at my face. I smirk knowing he just started something he wasn't ready to finish. He looks at me and cocks his head to the side indicating we already had a audience. I nod knowing he wanted me to back down but I know I'm far from backing down and throw myself at him with a punch to the stomach. He quickly moves aside dodging my punch and I turn around to look at him.

He was breathing heavily already and he had just thrown one punch. We circle each other again before I grab his arm and twist it behind him. He uses some kind of tactic and gets himself out of it. He then tries to kick me and I don't get to move the last second so he hits me on my side. I chuckle a little through the pain and look up at Ethan. He looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows telling me to keep fighting. I forget the pain and get up again ready for some more fun. While he looks at me I see his legs unprotected and kick his left one. He quickly falls to the ground with a loud thump. He lays there a little before getting up and smirking at me. We continue like this for a bit more minutes until I hit him where the sun doesn't shine. He falls to the ground and looks up at me with a pained expression. "That wasn't fair."

I near him and lean near his ear, "There's no such thing as unfair when your fighting outside a ring." I say smirking. "If that's what you want you know where to find me." He playfully glares at me while I help him get up. The rest of the students looked at us shocked when we both walk normally as if we hadn't just had a whole fight just a couple minutes ago. As I'm walking towards my motorcycle the history teacher walks towards me and gets in front of me.

"I'm not going to waste both our times so all I'm going to say is that I found a tutor for you." I looked at her annoyed and plastered on a fake smile.

"That's great." I say sarcastically.

"Y'all get to schedule the meetings whenever ya have time but I do expect for you to have a tutoring session this week. You'll have to go and get your tutors information from them and ill be nice this time and only give you once test that contains all the problems ya should be going through. Whatever you get on that test will be your grade." I nod my head understand everything she said and continuing walking to my motorcycle not really caring. "Your tutor is Mr. Noah Anderson," I stop completely and turn around to look at her.

"No, you're joking. Can you give me another tutor?" I almost plead.

"He was the only one that volunteered to be your tutor. Everybody else seemed uninterested. Now I don't care what happened between ya, you just better pass this class if you want to graduate." She walks away unbothered while I knew she just made my life a hell. Thanks a lot for not wanting to see him.

I climb onto my bike and start the engine. It roars to life and I quickly drive out the parking lot hoping to not see him for a bit longer.


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