Merciful Heart

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

_______________________________Author's POV:_______________________________

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A large hand quakes over the phone as a nervous sweat broke out on Mr. Lavoie's brow, burning with the desire to warn Y/N's father about what he had witnessed. The fear in him had taken rule over his mind, and he couldn't bring himself to do it no matter how hard he pushed himself to pick up the device. That vicious look haunted his every thought; those searing, golden eyes piercing into his very soul. He shook even harder upon recalling that otherworldly voice that seemed to echo and bounce around in his brain. It was enough to make any man break.

'Just what is that thing? Why is it here? What does it want?' The man bites down hard on his lip before holding his head in his hands, his face contorted into an expression of vexation. What the hell is he supposed to do?

There'd be definite consequences if he told anyone... Would anybody even believe him? He had no evidence to back his claim. They'd all think he had lost his mind. He'd lose everything: his job, his position, maybe even his family. He was so frustrated he wanted to sweep everything off his desk and send it all to the floor, but he held it all in.

This is a frightening matter, and he's terribly worried about Y/N and Juliana, the two girls the creature spoke about. He came off as protective for the former, however, the later seemed to make him angry. What if he tries to hurt her? He should suspend him, but what good would that do? He can't exactly protect the girls outside of school, and there's always the chance that he'll sneak in anyway. It's clear that Laurence has no intention of obeying his orders. Perhaps, it truly is best to take this to the grave, but his mind couldn't seem to handle the guilt or his imagination of the angel's punishment if he spilled his guts. He was torn so great, he couldn't take it. He needed a drink...

             As Principal Lavoie toiled in his troubles, Y/N was at home with her beloved angel, oblivious to the man's conflicting thoughts. She sat with Laurence, playing a card game as though it were a day like any other, but it wasn't truly like normal. With every glance, she took to meet those silver eyes, she found them lost in the void, on another plane, a different place. He was not fully present unless he had to take his turn. She couldn't stand it. With a frown on her lips, she looks back at her cards and then back at her friend before lowering them and reaching a hand out to grab his. In an instant, he snapped back to life at the sensation of her flesh against his and was struck with pain seeing the concern in her look. It swiftly changed into a comforting smile that melts the angel's heart as she picks up his hand to hold it tight.

"Are you still stuck on what happened today?" she asks in a gentle tone, and he nods to confirm.

"Yes, sorry. My mind keeps drifting elsewhere, it seems. I'll pay more attention now."

"Don't worry about it." Putting her cards in a neat pile to her side, she scoots In closer to be directly in front of the beautiful creature. "It's no good to keep it bottled up. You can talk to me. You always listen to my problems. It's only fair," she claims, and it brought a warm smile to his face with a fuzzy sensation swelling in his chest.

"Oh, Sweetness, how kind you are." Using his free hand, Laurence pets the side of her face, causing the girl to push into his touch. "Okay, only because you asked. I don't wish to upset you." She nods in understanding, ushering him to continue. "I am frustrated. The school is so corrupt, I can't stand it." With knitted brows, he shakes his head. "It's absolutely ridiculous that they tried to punish me for doing what was right. I was only defending you."

"They were just doing their job, Laurence. They want to help, I'm sure. They are only allowed to do things a certain way. I'm sure they're doing the best they can." Slightly, the angel puffs his chest.

"They are not. That man had the audacity to try punishing me for only stating the truth. I don't understand what's so wrong about wanting justice. What that child did was wrong."

"It was wrong, I know." Y/N attempts to soothe his anger by rubbing up and down his arm, her eyes full of understanding. "That poor creature shouldn't have been in my locker and she shouldn't have put it there. You had every right to be upset with her, but like I said, the school has rules and protocols that the teachers are told to follow. They don't want conflict between the students. They'll decide on a punishment for her, I'm sure... Maybe you should let it go? You seem so stressed over this."

"Sweetness," He gives her such a proud look. How kind and trusting she is. "I'm afraid it isn't so easy to just ignore. They should know what is right and what is wrong. I do not believe they will take care of the problem. Their disciplinary actions are not enough to keep her from doing this again. I must do it myself if she is to stop this path of sin."

Y/N looks down in defeat. She was hoping to detour him from doing anything of the sort. She didn't understand why he had to take matters into his own hands. She didn't want to focus on this one event. Juliana had done wrong— That, she would not deny.

She did need to face consequences for her actions, but judging off all the signals her friend gave, she feared this punishment of his might be... violent. She didn't want him to act like that. He's kind, soft and sweet. She didn't want to picture such things. That would mean what Catherine had told her was true, and she didn't want that to be the case.

"Such a merciful heart you have," he compliments while pushing the back of her head forward so that he could rest his chin upon it. "I love it so. Never change." The teen stays silent as her arms slowly slide around his body to hug him. The action makes his heart soar as he pets down her back. "Would you like me to sing you a song, Sweetness?"

"You don't want to finish the game?" she questions softly while looking up, to which he shakes his head in response.

"I'm afraid I can't concentrate right now. I'm of no use to you like this." Y/N was saddened by this, but did not fight as he lifted her and brought her to the bed, where she was seated upon his lap and cuddled to his chest. Laurence has had a very stressful day and so had she. If putting her to bed would calm him, then she would let it be.

The angel began to hum his soothing lullaby to the girl, and when he sang the lyrics, his voice sent shivers down her spine as her lashes fluttered shut. When, at last, she was out, Laurence's expression fell. Y/N did not understand his intentions well enough. She wanted to just abandon and ignore the issue. She didn't see the danger in that. She thought kindly of every soul, but she could not stop his craving for justice. He would do anything to keep her safe. He was not going to sit around waiting for something to happen. With his hand petting her head, which rests against his shoulder, Laurence plotted his plan. He was going to punish that girl because he knew no one else would, not properly at least, for there is only one way to cleanse a tainted soul,

Through suffering.

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