New Skin

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:

I hum a light tune on my way to my first class with a smile on my face. My hand is joined with my friend's, and we swing them back and forth slightly as we walk. Upon reaching my desk, his hand strays from mine, and my chair is pulled out some for me to sit. Since I'm the first in the class today, no one saw the chair be pushed back in after I'm seated. I feel breath on my ear as I place my books on the flat desk before Laurence speaks.

"I will return shortly, Sweetness. There's something I must do." With widened eyes, I turn to look behind me, where I expect the male to be. He's never left my side before. What does he have to do?

"But-" My voice is silenced when cool metal touches my lips. He must be covering my mouth with his hand. Again, his breath grazes my ear.

"I'll be back when class starts, I promise." With that, he puts his hand down to reveal the frown on my lips. I look down as I turn my body to face forward again. A sigh escapes me as I hold up my head with my left hand.

"Okay. Just hurry back."

'Maybe he'll tell me what's going on later.' Soft lips press against my cheek, and a warm hand is placed on top of the one I left resting on the desk before it's squeezed lightly in reassurance. His presence then fades, but his warmth lingers on my hand. With a soft groan, I fold my arms on top of the surface of the desk before burying my face in them.

I feel empty now. I'm not used to being without him. My eyes watch the hands on the clock as I wait for Laurence's return. Little by little, my classmates fill the vacant desks and the teacher walks in, then eventually, the bell rings, yet I still find myself sitting alone. I'm beginning to worry. He said he'd be here when class starts, right? I bite the inside of my cheek nervously, not feeling comfortable without my invisible friend by my side. My attention is grabbed by my history teacher when he stands at the front of the class.

"Everyone, quiet down. Today, I'd like you to welcome a new student joining our class. Would you come here, please?" He holds his hand out towards the classroom door to usher the person in. A figure steps inside, and I couldn't help but stare in awe along with the rest of the class. The boy looks unbelievably beautiful, like I'm literally surprised he's real. Naturally white locks perfectly frame his symmetrical, pale peach face as soft silver eyes holding the purest light within them gaze around at the many faces in the room. I can feel my heart pounding heavily as his gaze lands on me, and a dainty smile appears on his smooth, pink lips. I can't help but gulp.

"This is Laurence Maire. Please, treat him well and make him feel welcome." My eyes widen a touch upon hearing the name.

'It couldn't be, could it? There's no way that's Laurence!' Of course I found it hard to believe! First of all, my Laurence has a voice that most definitely comes from a man older than fourteen; second, he's significantly taller than the boy in front of the class; third, he always wears armor, and fourth, Laurence is freaking invisible!

"Let's see. Why don't you go sit over there by Y/N. Y/N, raise your hand." I don't respond, and instead, stare blankly at the boy whose gaze is locked on me. I felt stuck, and I couldn't properly comprehend Mr. Depas' words. The teacher clears his throat. "Y/N? Y/N!" His shouting brings me back as my face gets significantly hotter.

"Huh?" A few students stifle a laugh as I release a small groan. I can't believe I just embarrassed myself like that. A cold glare appears on the new kid's face, and suddenly, the room falls into silence. The look sent chills down everyone's spines, including mine. Everyone stays silent and watches closely as the boy makes his way to the empty seat at my side, his footsteps echoing in my ears. All tension fades the moment an angelic smile appears on his lips as he looks my way.


"H- Hi." A crooked smile appears on my face that makes him giggle. I look away in embarrassment, but I still feel his gaze linger on me before he looks ahead at the front of the class.

'It has to be him! This aura he presents is the same as Laurence's, but what if I'm wrong? How can I find out without making a fool of myself?' Class goes on as usual with me occasionally sending a glance towards the new kid. I think he noticed each time I looked, since his smile would grow a touch every time my eyes landed on him. Once the bell rings, I stand from my seat and gather my things as a certain someone approaches my desk. The instant my E/C eyes met silver, I felt my heart melt. Is this what having a crush feels like?

"Did I surprise you, Sweetness?" He whispers in a soft, multi-toned voice. I no longer held any doubts. This is the real Laurence. I breathe out in amazement as I look him over with wide eyes. This is who's been taking care of me these past four years?

"H- How? I thought you were invisible."

"I can be visible if I wish. I just preferred to stay hidden." He holds his hand out to me. "Now, how about I escort you to class?" Smiling, I transfer my things into one arm before grabbing his hand.

"I made sure to be put in all your classes. Now, no one will call you crazy when you speak to me, since my form can now be seen. Y/N, are you listening?" I blink out of my daze. I didn't even realize I had been staring again, but I couldn't help it. He's breathtaking.

"Um... Yeah. Sorry. This is just..." Smiling, Laurence squeezes my hand tighter.

"It's a lot to take in. I know. I can turn back if that's what you'd like?"

"No!" I shout before looking away with a red face. " I mean, no, that's fine. I'm just... You're..." Groaning in frustration, I face-palm in hopes to cover my, likely vibrant, blush. I want to tell him how astonishing he looks. I wouldn't have had second thoughts about telling him that before, though, that's probably because I've been unable to see him until now. I didn't expect him to be this handsome. It's hard to even look at his face. I feel stupid. I probably look stupid too.

"You're funny, Y/N." Laurence chuckles in amusement before leaning in to plant a kiss on my forehead.

"PDA!" Some kid shouts as they run between us, breaking the hold we had on each other's hands, as they laugh hysterically. Their friends run alongside them down the hall with our eyes following them as they disappear around the corner.

"What in the world?" Laurence raises a brow at the three as I laugh.

"Maybe you shouldn't do that where people can see."

"But, I like kissing you. Why shouldn't I?" The boy tilts his head at me in the cutest way possible. I internally squeal and blush brightly from his words, even though I know he meant it in the most innocent way possible. I don't think he comprehended how those words might sound to an outsider. This new arrangement will certainly take some getting used to. Soon enough, we reach the next class, and I manage to recover from my gushing and embarrassment. He sits in front of the person beside me, and I can't help but keep my gaze on him the whole time, but thankfully, he didn't seem to mind.

'Laurence is amazing.'

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