Slight Sin

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•Y/N: Your Name
•H/C: Hair Color
•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:

Soft, gentle hands run through my locks of H/C hair as a smile rests on my lips. My eyes flutter close as my hands grip the fabric of Laurence's black pants. His wings lie, spread out on the bed while his chest is bare. He knew I wouldn't be comfortable resting on top of metal, and he couldn't exactly fit in a shirt due to his four, massive wings. Something like this would probably come across as odd to an outsider, but it doesn't bother me none. It's Laurence, after all, my angel, my friend. I trust him with every fiber of my being.

"Do all angels have four wings?" I ponder while opening my eyes and turning onto my back to look up at the handsome creature, still keeping my head on his warm lap. A delicate smile appears of his soft pink lips as he lightly shakes his head.

"No, it's very rare. Most will have just two, and others can have many, but having precisely four is a bit unusual."

"Really?" I ask, surprised, to which he responds with a hum in confirmation. His smile widens a bit as he lets out a small chuckle.

"Only guardians of the gate have them. My breed has a lot of power in our wings and can fly much faster than any ordinary angel with two," he explains, causing my eyes to light up with wonder as I imagine the man soaring through the clouds at incredible speeds and feeling the wind through his pale locks and feathers. It must feel amazing up there in the sky with nothing in your path to slow you down.

"That's awesome." Once more, my eyes seal shut as I release a wistful sigh. "You should take me flying one day." The man laughs softly at my silly suggestion, though, not in a mocking way, as I feel his hands gingerly press against my cheeks to hold my head in a light grip. His palms are soft and warm to the touch, causing me to smile.

"Perhaps one day. I'm sure you would love it."

A sudden knock on the door causes me to instinctively shoot up from the position we were in as Laurence instantly disappears from sight. Just in time too because the door opens seconds later to reveal Darin. Had he seen a shirtless, grown man with wings playing with my hair, I'm sure he would've either fainted or tried to beat him up.

"Oh, Y/N, it's awful! Catherine found herself a boyfriend!" He exclaims, greatly exaggerating the announcement. I laugh in response, unable to help it, since he sounded like one of those overprotective dads off of movies and T.V. shows. He laughs softly himself with a smile on his face as he leans against the doorframe with his arm. He had only been joking. "Supposedly, he's going to be coming over for dinner tonight, so get ready. You can invite your friend Laurence over too if his parents won't mind. He seems like a nice kid."

"Thanks, dad!" I've never once hesitated calling him that. After my adoption became official, I couldn't help but feel eternally grateful to the man. He's been so kind to me always, even during that period where Catherine disappeared. Sure, he was a little out of it then, but he never treated me as anything less than a daughter. Darin gives a nod before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him, since he knows I prefer it closed. I feel warm arms wrap around me causing me to smile. I turn my head and find my white-haired companion dressed fully and in his teenage, human form. Seems he's already ready for tonight's dinner.

"That was very nice of him to invite you too," I mention, to which he nods in agreement. His hold tightens some, bringing me back against his chest, but I don't mind. I love his hugs. They're always so warm and comforting, like a fuzzy blanket nest that you just never want to leave.

"Yes, but, I must admit, I'm a little curious," he mutters softly while staring at the bedroom door. My brows scrunch a bit.

"About what?" I noted that his voice had dipped some, which concerned me. It wasn't a lot, but it was noticeable enough. It made me curious myself.

"Your sister's boyfriend," he clarifies, sounding almost skeptical. For some strange reason I felt a small tug on my heart. Could this have been jealousy? Laurence has never liked Catherine, but there was that one day where I found them talking in the kitchen with her. I never did hear what they said.

'What if... no, that's silly.' I push the very thought of him wanting her over me out of my head. If that truly were the case, he would've told me or something. Why would I even be upset about it? I've always wanted the two to get along, but...

'Why is this thought swimming around in my head? I don't like it.' Well, whatever this feeling is led me to ask the question, "Why?"

"She hasn't exactly been the affectionate type."

Nearly, a soft sigh escaped my lips. No, of course he isn't jealous of this mysterious boyfriend. It made no sense, after all. It was just my silly imagination. Laurence tilts his head at me when my shoulders relax, though, to be honest, I had no idea they had even gotten tense.

"Y/N, are you all right?" He asks with a concerned look on his face. I give him a smile, letting him know there's nothing to worry about. The feeling passed anyway.

"Yeah, just thinking." What I said wasn't a lie; I was thinking, but I'd rather keep those thoughts to myself for now. I don't want him worrying about me. I hum softly and look back at the door, a hopeful look sparking in my E/C eyes. "This is good, though, isn't it? She's finally opening up to somebody. Maybe she will be normal again?"

"Now, now, Y/N, don't get your hopes up. I would hate to see you upset if you happen to be wrong." The angel pets my hair in a loving manner before resting his chin on top of my head. I sigh, knowing he's right.

"I know. I just wish she could go back to how she was before. You would've liked her better then. Whenever people were mean to me in school, she'd always step in and protect me. Kinda like what you do now, but I haven't exactly had any bullies in a long time." I chuckle softly. "I don't know what I would've done if you had never shown up." My gaze falls on my hands as I feel my heart clench and my eyes tear up.

"I wouldn't even be alive right now." I wipe my tears away with the sleeve of my baby blue sweatshirt as memories flash through my head. "The car accident would've killed me. Even if it didn't, I'd still feel very much alone without you to talk to or hang out with." I bring my hands up to his arms and squeeze them tightly as he moves his mouth to my ear. He then starts to hum softly, like he always does whenever I get upset, sending my mind into a light daze that makes me feel a bit better. I smile and close my eyes as he speaks to me in his soothing voice.

"Those thoughts are from the past. You needn't worry about them. All that matters is that we're together now and will always be. I've sworn to be by your side at all costs, and no one will ever be able to change that. I will be your protector, always."

"Good, because I never ever want to be without you."

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