Dire Confessions

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

The cafeteria was loud, as usual, when Laurence and I sat across from each other at one of the many tables placed around the large room. In front of me lies a tray with my lunch consisting of a beet salad, breaded fish, cauliflower and buttered bread. I go to a nice school, so often times I'd be eating delicious, healthy food like this, though, sometimes I wish we were given something other than water to drink, maybe a juice or milk — something with flavor. When I look over at Laurence, I find no food or tray, but I know he doesn't necessarily need to eat.

Still, it feels strange when you're the only one eating. I do my best to ignore the feeling as I dig in before noticing a girl coming up to our table. I think I recognize her from one of my classes, history I believe, but I don't really know her. She's usually quiet and sits in the back of the room with one of her friends that I'll sometimes see her talking to. I think she's very pretty, actually, with soft facial features and long, blonde hair that goes a little past her chest with curled bangs that go straight across her forehead, and sparkly, green eyes. As the student draws nearer, I start to notice the red blush on her cheeks, which confused me.

'I wonder what she wants.' The girl stands beside Laurence, grasping the angel's attention, and gives him a shy smile.

"H-Hi, I'm Juliana. W-We have history together. I just w-w-wanted to give you this." With her blush darkening, she fumbles to pull a piece of notebook paper out of her pocket.

"Oh, all right. Thank you." He offers a kind smile that makes Juliana look like a tomato as he takes the slip of paper between his fingers. Before he could even open it up, the girl runs back to the table she was sitting at before with her back towards us. A few of her friends lean close to her, whispering while peering over here as Laurence unfolds the paper. Juliana herself dares to watch as well as he reads over the message given to him silently. He looks over and sees my expecting gaze as I wait patiently for him to share the information given to him.

"It appears I've been asked to be her partner." The white-haired male sets the paper flat on the table, allowing me to read its contents as I shovel a forkful of salad into my mouth.

Will you be my boyfriend?
___YES ___NO

I swallow my food thickly and feel my heart wrench upon reading the question meant for my loving angel, who bears no expression on his face. I can't tell whether or not he'll accept or if he's even interested in dating at all. Laurence pulls out a black pen from his pocket and clicks the button at the top while staring down at the note, increasing the painful feeling in my chest by just a bit.

"What are you going to say?" I ask in a small voice, causing him to send me a serious look.

"Come now, Y/N, don't be getting jealous. You know you are the only one for me." I can't help but stare at the creature, stunned by his remark as he checks "NO" as his answer. Surely, my face had become redder than a cherry, for I wasn't quite sure how he meant that.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask nervously for clarification, not knowing if that was his way of saying he loves me, or if he was only referring to our peculiar relationship with one another. I've never had anyone love me romantically before, but I've seen it in movies sometimes. I wonder what it's like to have someone who likes you in that way. Supposedly, it's something very special according to dad, who had told me this a long time ago, when I didn't quite understand the meaning of love in that manner. I know what it means now; I've just never really experienced it.

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