He asked for war

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I sat on the cold metal chair, the cold easily felt through the uniform I wore, tailored more for appearance than comfort.

"Humans try to claim themselves more than animals as if we are not ones ourselves. as if we are better. I can't blame people for such thoughts, I would guess all animals have them. After all, is everyone's world not shaped around themselves? I highly doubt the cow's world includes board games. I don't believe us to be better than animals, quite the opposite I'd say. Bugs may bite their mates' heads off, or chickens might play with live mice but we humans, as a species, are aware of the pain and morals and ethics. Yet that never stops us" he explained, his stride confident and powerful.

The metal room echoed his steps and made my wary breathing seem so much louder. His powerful presence seemed to fill the large stadium.

"We are not unique, with over seven billion of us, everyone is bound to have someone who speaks, acts, talks or thinks the same. I still have not decided if that thought terrifies me or not."

He strode towards me, his powerful presence making me shrink back slightly, despite my normal strong will. He examined me carefully before walking towards a hanging chain, I glanced beside me. The gun is still on my left, and the sword is still on my right.

"We all have something that makes us truly different to the other animals though. Our need for control. Whether it be for our own lives, others lives, a city, a nation or even the entire world"

He wrapped the chain around his arm and gripped it tightly, giving it a powerful tug.

"Humans are a machine you see. One that never rusts, always growing stronger and wiser"

He pulled the chain tightly, slowly pulling the east wall open as if it were just a curtain. The entire army was visible, his bright purple and grey military uniform glowing in the afternoon sunlight.

He released the chain and moved towards me, holding out his hands.

"Please, let's do this together. Be by my side."

I slowly took his outstretched hand, his grip was firm as his calloused hands pulled me gracefully to my feet.

He led me to the entrance, motioning to the soldiers who stood at attention. I knew he was now speaking to them.

"The most valuable person to myself is me. For if there were to be no me, I wouldn't have the chance to value anyone else. I do not value those who will die. Why must I be swayed by the stories I have not heard? By the lives, I have not lived? Just know, each drop of blood on your hands is on you. To look another in the eyes and end their lives is your choice. I merely give the orders. Care for your own value and lives, for when it all comes down to it, no one else here really will."

"Yes sir".

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