alpha cheese and the mouse shifter

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I squeaked, moving quickly backwards. My breath catching in my throat as I heard movement around me. Harsh brown eyes glared into my wide ones, even his hair seemed harsh, combed perfectly, yet somehow keeping a nice curl to it.

"What are you doing in our territory?" He asked, his tone emotionless and calm. That's how I know he's on the verge of deciding to kill me. The other footsteps slowly closing in as I tried moving away, slowly backing up.

"I... Didn't- I'm very sorry, I didn't realise this was your territory" I squeaked, my voice breathless and hard to hear, yet I knew he did. His eyes flickering up behind me, the sun making the brown of his eyes more honey like.

"Didn't know? I am not an idiot, girl. I can tell you're a shifter." He growled, his voice raspy and definitely showing more calm anger then a lack of emotion now. I felt about to piss myself, I'd just ran for hours, now I'm too tired to keep going. Maybe I could just shift and hide in a hole-

I backed into a hard, warm surface, my heart flickering through my chest, feeling it through my back. I choked back a gasp and slowly turned my head to look behind me, making sure to keep the main one in my view. Standing taller then me was another man. Fluffy brown hair, with cold grey eyes. I jumped forward and eyed him cautiously. How did he sneak up behind me?

He seemed unfazed by my surprise while the others slowly moved closer. It's a real threat now, they are ready to wipe my life from this world. I spent all this time running, is this really how it all ends? Death by accidentally intruding on a territory?

"I'm not a threat, nor a spy. I promise" I said as calmly as I could manage, which wasn't very calm, but it didn't nearly show off the level of fear going through me. Though the small squeak I made at 'promise' was almost embarrassing. "I have poor smell, I was born without smell" I rambled, which is the truth. Ever since I was a baby, I could never smell a thing, it made it hard on me.

"You're not a good liar" he informed me, I don't know what he meant by that, if he's suspicious of me being out of breath, then he needs to find other ways of reading lies. I know I'm shifty eyed, what does he expect when I'm surrounded?

"You're not good at seeing lies" I grumbled, quickly covering my mouth, mentally screaming at myself. "Sorry, sorry, this is just very stressful" I mumbled. I hate this, a wolf shifter would be easier at keeping their cool, even the cats are good at looking calm and collected. That might be why he looks more suspicious now, his eyes narrowing.

There's a reason my type of shifters are hardly heard from, keeping away from all the chaos in small villages, hidden somewhere. Being easy to startle and stress is not a good thing to be around these guys, not that I can't bite back when needed.

"Not good huh? You're as jumpy as a rabbit on hunting night. You seem plenty suspicious to me" he said, returning to his emotionless calmness. I bit my lip, and looked around, how do I get around this? Saying I'm a mouse shifter is a recipe for disaster. They could use it against me very quickly.

"Of course, I wasn't expecting to be surrounded all of a sudden, I'm startled" I stated, my breathing settling. I straightened my back a little and brushed my light brown hair out of my face, trying to meet his eyes more confidently, yet at each crunch of a leaf or stick I flinched and tensed up.

"Apparently this girl says she's not spying on us. Who here believes her?" He chuckled, his gaze going along all of the grinning faces, everyone seemed to find it amusing, some even letting out laughs. His gaze landed behind me and his smile turned to a frown, his eyes glimmered with interest.

"Really Chris? You believe her?" He asked. I was about to turn before freezing and closing my eyes, sniffing sounded by my ear as I held back a squeak, managing to make an even more pathetic squeaky sound. A low snicker sounding in my ear.

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