The Vronto, A rare treasure

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"Entry: Human" spoke the robotic voice, cold and without emotion. I froze, looking up at the screen, showing a welcome message and the slight outline of a human figure. I felt frozen to the spot, looking around the chatting figures of the room and fixing up the scarf over my mouth, quickly moving away from the sensor.

I looked around, scanning to make sure noone had heard or noticed it go off. I sighed and hurried to a table, fixing up the hoody and sitting tall, I crossed my arms and glanced around, trying not to appear suspicious.

A squinting waiter moved to my table, giving me an odd look.

"What you want?" He asked, I glanced at a nearby table, seeing some food.

"Whatever they're having" I mumbled, keeping my voice low, hiding any hint of an accent. They nodded and hurried off.

I sighed, watching them come back, they set down a musty looking glass, filling it with water and walking away.

I grabbed it, my palm sweaty. I drank down the cool, nearly room temperature water. I eyed the food on the other table as I drank. It seemed to be some chicken dish, maybe schnitzels, cut into wierd shapes and served atop a creamy rice concoction.

I felt my pocket briefly, $20, should be enough for this, it seems a cheap enough eat. A bowl was placed before me with a spoon and fork, I avoided his staring eyes. By the two spikes poking through his hairnet, I could tell he was a torcher.

I just stared at the food, listening to his feet walk away, lifting the scarf slightly and chowing down.

Honestly, these places aren't known much for their food, they're hunters. Similar to bounty hunters, but these people capture things and kill things, the most expensive thing I've heard of, is the magical feather of the Phoenix bird.

I glanced to the scanner at the door, the old wood boards deceiving of the special magical technology on this side of it.

Only 3 other tables were littered around, everyone else drinking and laughing in barstools.

I know as soon as I leave, it'll go off again, I glanced to the several other doors, one had the picture of a toilet. I slowly stood and moved to it, keeping my eyes forward but listening to the others around me.

I pushed open the door, taking a deep breath and shutting it behind me. I sat on the toilet, fretting over my next moves, they say the best place to hide is in plain sight, yet it's difficult and terrifying being amongst them.

Better then hiding out where the other humans do, where we hide away deep underground or in forests, away from the grabbing hands of the Vronto. The head organisation of all these magic or treasure hunters.

Humans have no magic, but magic tends to be attracted to non magical things. Kinda like a very weak magnet I suppose.

I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, quickly leaving, I stared at my spot, someone had already taken it.

Instead I moved to the counter, putting down the $20 bill, I shifted my eyes to the table, hoping to get their eyes off of mine.

"Never seen you here before, new to the business? Short for a Vronto" they commented, I let out a throaty noise, shaking my head as if finding that funny.

"Just getting by" I mumbled, they nodded, tilling up my money.

"One of those small talkers. Won't survive long with a partner, they'd probably die of boredom" he chuckled. I faked a chuckle in return.

I turned away as I received my change.

"I doubt some quiet will kill em.... They'd probably kill me with their chatter" I mumbled jokingly.

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