Captive test subject

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I stepped out through the large roller doors. A nervous sweat still lining my forehead. I know he'll be out in a moment. The sky was still covered with the strange metal structure. I frowned and walked nervously to the massive fence, unclimbeable to anyone.

The last few people were still chained up, awaiting being brought inside. They were looking up at the metal structure, it should be opening now to reveal the sun for a short while. I waited as the fence immediately moved in to hug my mum through the bars. I knew my family would hear that I've walked out.

The buzz of the airborne robots could be heard and I flinched away, moving away from the fence and watching the robots cut the chains and forced the last people towards the building. I gulped and looked up. The metal structure was stretching out, the fence loud with electricity, everyone outside who touched it screamed in agony.

I guess he wasn't lying, the place would be impenetrable and locked away. It was the only reason he had laughed at my escape attempt and told me to walk out the doors, to prove that no matter how hard I struggle to escape, I will never be able to leave.

I gulped and headed back for the building. I will stick to my word. I snuck out when he was distracted and begged him not to use a robot on me. I just wanted to see my family. He was standing by the entrance, smiling widely, smug and prepared for whatever hell, he'll put us through.

I stood near him to try and wave and remember my families faces to the smallest detail, not knowing how long I'll be gone. I might never come back. This villain of a man has prevented even the police from getting inside... He's powerful.

The metal structure was lowering to the ground and groaning with the weight and effort. No more prisoners to take in... He has all the randomly selected people he could kidnap. I gulped and followed the people inside as it crashed into the ground, flinching at the sound.

They were led into the strange room full of dials, they'll be strapped to beds. I don't remember that room very well, I'd passed out after freaking out over a needle.

I always faint when I get needles.

He shoved me forwards and I hurried back to the cell room, gulping. Knowing this place was protected with technology I could never understand.

I tripped back into the cell room, hurrying to the cell which was mine, it was on the right and at the end near the door he enters through and furthest from the main hall, where we eat and go toilet.

The one across from me stood empty, someone was in the cell beside me, we never talked. To be fair, I haven't said very much, everyone else is quite talkative. Most of them have been in here longer then me. Yet none have caused as much trouble as I have. He walked along the cells slowly, examining us all carefully.

"The last ones are in. We'll start the trials soon." He stated plainly. He left and the room fell dark. I guess it's time for us to sleep.

A humming filled the air, followed by a loud metallic squeal. The other people had been locked into their cells, he finally had all of us.

"Everything is set, you all are in the system. Now I will start off with some basic rules. No one is allowed into another's cell. The system will notice and remove the one not meant to be in the cell. Can't have you all being foolish and planning things that will end in a failure.

Toilets are for one person. So only one person is allowed into each toilet. There are enough toilets to make sure that won't be a big issue.

There is no way to leave the areas. So you would find it a waste of time to try. You will follow every instruction and do what each trial requires. No one wants to go into isolation and submitted to some choice experiments" he spoke, I cringed and looked out to the floor, some panels had lifted and water was flooded over the floor.

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