Weekend Off and Weekend Surprises

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I was excited. Since the war had ended, it had been nothing but long hours and endless council meetings. So much time was spent repairing things in both my own Court and in the whole of Prythian that I'd barely had any time to breathe, much less do anything I actually enjoyed. Such as spending time with my mate.
In fact, I had rarely seen Rhys for longer than a few brief moments in the morning if I was lucky. And from the few nights that we had decided to spend awake, just so we could have a few hours together, hours that we both greatly paid for the next morning when we struggled to get out of bed.
But Rhys had finally suggested we take a weekend off, just the two of us.
So, I was beyond excited. A whole weekend with my mate was just what I needed. What they both needed. Mor and Amren were more than capable of looking after things while they were gone for a few days and nights, and Azriel would keep Cassian out of too much trouble. Anything else could just simply wait.
So, by the time Friday rolled around, Rhys and I had our bags packed and ready to go the minute they got done with their day work.

"Are you sure you guys don't need anything?" Rhys asked his cousin as we stood there in the entryway of the townhouse. Our new property was still in the construction stage and wasn't quite ready to be moved into yet.

"Rhys, for Cauldron's sake, just leave already. We have everything under control," Mor stated exasperated. I laughed softly, and then Mor gestured to me. "Go be with your poor mate who looks as if she hasn't had a good night's sleep or anything more stimulating in months."
I choked on my laugh then and nearly died right there on the spot, heat already creeping onto my face. Rhys rubbed the back of his neck, looking somewhere between embarrassed and murderous towards his cousin.
I pulled Mor into a quick hug before Rhys could decide which choice of action he wanted to go with. "Thank you for this, we really appreciate it."

"Of course, that's what we're here for," Mor replied. "We're here to help you guys carry the load." She lowered her voice, "Besides, you two have a lot to talk about."
I nodded and pulled away from her embrace, my face not revealing anything as I turned to Rhys. "Are you ready, or are you going to keep questioning your courts capabilities?"
Rhys smirked and raised his hands in surrender, "Alright, alright. They're more than capable." He turned to Mor and gave her a quick hug. "But seriously, let me know if you guys need anything."
Mor grabbed our bags and thrusted them into our arms, "Just go already."
I chuckled as I grabbed Rhys' hand, "Thank you again Mor."
She smiled at the two of us and gave a little wave, just as Rhys winnowed the two of us away.

That had been the night before. We'd had one night of relaxation and time to breathe before Rhys had been contacted by a very apologetic Azriel midway through Saturday morning. According to Az, the High Lords had called an emergency meeting and Rhys was needed. Something about trade agreements not being held up by the Autumn Court, not that I really cared.
All I knew was that my one weekend with my mate was getting disrupted--again.

"You said that I'd get to have you all to myself all weekend, Rhys," I pleaded, following him as he walked back to our room to grab a change of clothes. "Why can't you just tell them you can't go, just this once?"
I knew logically that one of us had to go, that we couldn't just tell the High Lords off, but I was desperate. Desperate to keep Rhys with me for just a bit longer, to just have a little more time. I hadn't even told him the news I'd been holding onto all week.
Rhys ran a hand through his hair and let out a sigh. "Look, I know we were both looking forward to this weeked. Cauldron, I know I was. But, I have to go. We'll make it work another weekend, alright?"

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