Exit Strategies

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"What's our exit strategy?" I yelled, possibly too loudly, to Cassian. Cassian who I had made commander of my armies. Who, in all situations, should have multiple plans and backups to those plans with all scenarios thought through explicitly. Who I trusted with my life and who got me out of more situations than I could've counted.

What I wasn't prepared for was the bewildered look Cass shot back at me from across the small space between us, "Our what?"

"Oh my fates," Az sighed in defeat next to me. "We're all going to die."

I was tempted to agree. After all, being locked in a room--a very small room at that--with my two Illyrian brothers certainly seemed like a death sentence. The room was cramped with their broad wingspans taking up most of the room. Thankfully, I had the capability to put my own wings away so as to not take up any more space than necessary.

Cassian scoffed, "We're not going to die Az. Don't be so dramatic." He paused and then looked over at me skeptically, "Right Rhys? They won't let us die in here will they?"

If it wasn't for the obvious concern in his voice, I would have face-palmed quite dramatically. As it was, I couldn't hold back the eye roll that I shot towards him. "No Cass, we are not going to die."

Right, Feyre Darling? You won't let your poor mate die in here will you? I shot down the bond, making sure to fill the statement with as much humor as possible.

There was a long pause--that was filled with Cassian's whining--before my mate's voice floated down the bond towards me.

That depends. Are the three of you done being Overbearing Illyrians yet?

"You're talking to Feyre, aren't you?" Az asked, looking me over with a critical eye.

I nodded, "Feyre asks if we're done being Overbearing Illyrians yet."

"I resent that greatly," Cassian said, crossing his arms and shooting out his bottom lip. "We weren't being overbearing. Just concerned."

I relayed Cassian's statement to Feyre, and then followed up with, You know, the two of us could have a lot more fun if you just let me out of here.

Not a chance, Feyre responded almost immediately. All three of you are in there for the same reason. Until you can prove that you're all done being too overbearing, I'll let you out. Besides, amusement flooded through the bond, I'm having quite a bit of fun without you hovering over me like a mother hen.

Cruel, beautiful woman, I shot down at her and stroked lovingly against the bond between us.

I expected some retort to come from Feyre, but the bond between us went silent. I sighed and turned to the expectant faces of my brothers, "We're out of luck. Feyre says unless we can prove that we're done being overbearing, we're stuck in here."

Cassian rolled his eyes, "Again, we weren't being overbearing. She's carrying the heir of the Night Court inside her, the least we can do is lend a hand."

If it was up to me, we would be doing more than lending a simple hand. The day Feyre found out she was pregnant was the happiest day of my life, and the most terrifying. Fae pregnancies were never easy, and no one knew how a human body turned fae would respond to a pregnancy. Add to the fact that Feyre and I were probably the most powerful fae to walk Prythian ever, and that added a whole new layer of complicated.

I had tried to not be overbearing, as Feyre claimed. I had tried to give her the space she needed and to not be on top of her all the time. She still went to her painting classes, still went on walks by herself, still did all the things she did before without me around. I refused to be the embodiment of her worst nightmares, and so I would never take away her freedom and choices.

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