Sick Day

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It was unusual for Fae to get sick, Feyre would be the first to acknowledge that. She would also be the first to acknowledge that, when getting sick as a Fae, it felt a hundred times worse as one than as a human. That, of course, didn't reassure her worry-wart of a mate, who had decided to make it his absolute mission to not leave her side for even a split second. Not even to let her go to the bathroom by herself.

Feyre was almost positive this was just a cold or something of the sort, nothing to get too worked up about. Rhys, however, had taken one look at her and decided that everything needed to be canceled so he could look after her. He wouldn't even let Mor come sit with her, he insisted on it being him and no one else.

He was being the definition of a mother hen. Not that he listened to her protests or her name-calling.

"Rhys, I'm fine. Seriously," she groaned, sniffing slightly to clear her runny nose. "It's just a cold. It will pass in a couple of days. No need to uproot your entire schedule just to babysit me."

He shot her a stern and exasperated look--this wasn't the first time, after all, that they had had this conversation.

"Feyre darling, I love you dearly, but would you just silence your protests and let me take care of you." He handed her a steaming mug of freshly brewed tea as he helped her sit up.

She groaned again, but gladly accepting the steaming mug. "But it's just a cold. This is ridiculous."

"Nothing about this is ridiculous," Rhys countered. "Fae hardly ever get sick, and I know you were human before this and it was normal, but it isn't for Fae. So, please, just let me take care of you and watch over you for just a few days to make sure you're okay."

She huffed out a sigh as she took a sip of her tea.

You're an insufferable mother hen, she shot down the bond between them, making sure to send just as much love behind the taunt.

His lips curled into a smirk, "As you've mentioned. Now, scoot over."

Feyre raised an eyebrow at him, but did as told. Rhys quickly slid into the spot she had just vacated and made quick work of pulling her into his arms. She had to admit, the feeling of his chest beneath her head and the warmth of his arms around her did feel nice. Her whole body was chilled and achy and his embrace seemed to be the perfect remedy for it.

"You're not going to get sick too, right?" she questioned hesitantly, even as her eyes began to get heavy and flutter closed.

Rhys brought a hand up to her head and stroked through her hair softly, gently threading through the tangles, "No darling, and even if I did, it would be worth it. I wouldn't trade taking care of you for anything else in the world."

"Not even for sex?" she mumbled half-heartedly, smirking just slightly as her eyes closed.

Rhys' soft laugh filled her ears, "As much as I enjoy ravishing you, darling, I enjoy moments such as these just as much. Maybe a bit more even." He paused, "Although... if that's what you're really thinking about..."

Feyre scoffed slightly, "Because I so have the energy for that."

Even with her eyes closed, she could practically see the smirk that broke out across his face as he replied, "When you're feeling better then."

"I love you," she replied with another soft sniff in an attempt to clear her stuffed nose.

Rhys pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, "I love you too, Feyre darling." He brushed the hair away from her face, caressing a hand softly down her cheek. "Get some sleep, I'll be right here the whole time."

With that, Feyre let her eyelids fully close and let sleep overtake her body, knowing that as soon as she opened her eyes, her beautiful mate would be in just the same spot. Holding her body closely and looking after her just as he promised.

***Ta-da! I finally got another chapter posted! It's no much, nor is it very long, but it's something! It's been way too long, and I'm so sorry that I haven't posted anything. I've been super busy and then super unmotivated on top of it all. I hope to get a few more chapters posted soon... hopefully.

Thank you to everyone who is reading, voting, and commenting on these! It means the world to me!

Hopefully you enjoy this short one and are having a good start to your new year.

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