chapter nine: An unexpected aliy

Start from the beginning

Your pov.

WTF?  What's he on about. I couldn't help but question he's intentions. But than I thought ' You know? what the heck.' I just shrugged and sat comfortably. And by comfortable I mean slouching like there's nobody watching.

I know I know. So unladylike. But guess what. I don't give a damn.

He gave me the 'look'. I knew what he was hinting but I didn't change my position.

" What? " I played dumb.

" Nothing. Anyway... Tell me about your country of origin. " he asked simply.

" OK. I'm from (Country/name). I was born in (state/province/name) And I'm an only child. My hole life it's just been me and my dad." I said simply.

" how did you end up in England. Your pretty far from home." he said questioningly.

" That is a question even I can't answer dude." I said with a casual shrug.

" What do you mean? " he asked sounding a little annoyed.

I just decided to go with the casual lie.

" I just woke up and found myself in one of the ally ways in town."

I wasn't really lying. Just telling half the truth.

He seemed confused and annoyed.

" That will be all. "

I took it as the chance to leave. I wasn't in the mood to tell him everything. My mind is going on rampage. I just put my headphones on and headed to the secret spot that I found a few days ago. Dexter was actually the one to find it. So. Yeah.

When I reached there I noticed the usual scenery. Rose bushes along with a few cherry blossoms blooming. Along with the green grass bringing out its beautiful colors. They were a few other flowers blooming which almost made it look like rainbow decorations.

I played and sang to song called (ilomilo) by Billie Eilish. Cause I felt a little.

(A/n: I'm not sure if I typed the lyrics correctly.)


"Told you not to worry
But maybe that's a lie
I mean what's the hurry
Won't you stay inside
Remember not to get to close
To stars
There never gonna give you love like ours
Where did you go
I should know
But it's cold
And I don't wanna be lonely
So show me the way home
I can't lose another life
I'm worried"

I kept along with the song and noticed that I was getting slightly teary eyed.

"The world's a little blurry
Or maybe it's my eyes
The friends I've had to bury
They keep me up at night
Said I couldn't love someone
If I might break
If not by my mistake
So we're did you go
I should know
But it's cold and I don't
Wanna be lonely
So tell me you'll come home
Even if it's just a lie "

I let a few tears fall as I kept singing the lyrics.

" I try not to upset you
Let you rescue, neither did I let you rescue
I just wanted too protect you
But now I'll never get too
I'm worried"

I let the tears fall to my face as I hugged my feet and listened to the last part of the song.

"Where did you go
I should know  but it's cold
And I don't wanna be lonely
Was hoping you'd home
I don't care if it's lie."

I didn't know what to do At this point. Now that I was alone. It made me think of everything. I missed my dad along with my other friends. I felt slightly alone.

I pulled out my phone and checked only to see that nobody's tried to contact me. But of course. There's no service.

" What am I doing?" I asked myself.

"Why am I here?" I asked myself again.

" Please give me an answer... Mom?"

I'd have to find a way to return home. One way or another I'll have to find out how and why I'm here.

You must become stronger.

Said an slightly familiar voice. The one I heard this morning.

"Who's saying that. Come out. " I said in a very commending tone. " I'm sick of playing these games. Show yourself."

I'm afraid I can't do that.

"Why?" I asked.

Cause. You'll run.

" I won't. I promise. "

Are you alone.


Alright. Remember. You've been warned.

And what I saw before me. Was very unexpected. I thought that I was hallucinating. It's shadow covered my being. And it took me awhile to process what was happening. I swallowed heavily.

" Woah. "

A/n: I love cliffhanging you guys. If you wish to know what happens next than add it to your library cause I'll be updating soon.

Thanks for reading

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Goodbye my peeps.

Vasachi Rock is out!!!


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