The registrar looked at her from head to toe." Name?" She asked." Cassidy Steele." Cassie said. The registrar looked back to her computer and typed a few things then printed a small sheet of paper.

" Here." The registrar handed the schedule to Cassie." Thanks?" Cassie took the schedule and walked away." Why are all registrar so moody?" She muttered as she looked at her schedule and find her room.

" 121." She reads the number by the wall referring to the room. She knocked on the door and all eyes were on her." Come on in." The teacher said.

Cassie smiled as she went inside." I'm Mr. Herschel, please, introduce yourself to the class." Mr. Herschel said.

Cassie nodded then she faced the whole class. Some of the girls were glaring at her. She ignored it and faced the class." Good morning everyone. My name's Cassidy Steele, I prefer to be called Cassie. I'm 17 years old." Cassie introduced.

The boys were smiling at her." Ok Cassie, you can go sit down between Oliver and Max." Mr. Herschel said. Cassie looked around the class and saw the empty chair between two boys A blonde and a dirty blonde guy that looks similar to Liv.

She smiled as she walked towards her seat and sat down. 20 minutes in, Mr. Herschel discussed a new topic." Ok class. I'll be partnering you up for your first assignment in history class. Your assignment is to make a quick recap from your past. Where you lived, who you lived with, your origin." Mr. Herschel said then a girl raised her hand.

" Yes Brooke?" Mr. Herschel asked." How is this a partner work when we can do it ourselves?" Brooke asked." Well, I supposed that it could help to know your friend better." Mr. Herschel.

" Let's start of with...." Mr. Herschel announced." Brighton and Max... and lastly, Cassie and Oliver." Mr. Herschel said before the school bell ringed.

Everyone stood up and grabbed their bags before heading out." Hey partner!" The guy with dirty blonde hair greeted as he joined her walking to her next class.

" See you later dude." The guy with blonde hair said before leaving to his next class. The guy waved goodbye to him.

" Oh Hi, Oliver right?" Cassie asked. Oliver nodded." Oliver Patterson to be exact. I'm 17." Oliver introduced offering his hand. Cassie smiled and shake his hand.

" Patterson? I think I've heard that name before." Cassie said then about to walk inside the room to her next class which is science.

" Hey Liv." Oliver greeted Liv as Liv was about to head inside." Cassie, Oliver, you guys finally met." Liv said with a smile.

" You guys know each other?" Cassie asked." Oh yeah, he's my twin." Liv laughed." Well that explains a lot." Cassie chuckled.

" Are you in Physics class too?" Cassie asked." Yeah, great, we have class together." Liv said. The three laughed before heading inside. 

" Good morning class. I'm Ms. Gina for our new student, Cassidy Steele am I right?" Ms. Gina asked." Yes, but I prefer to be called Cassie." Cassie said.

Ms. Gina smiled before starting a new topic." Ok, so I'll be partnering you up for your first ever project." Ms. Gina said then everyone groaned.

" Guys, relax, it'll be submitted by next week." Ms. Gina said. Everyone rolled their eyes as Ms. Gina assigned them their partners.

" But since we have odd number, Cassie, you'll partner up with Liv and Oliver." Ms. Gina said. The twins looked at each other and smiled.

The bell ringed which means it's recess so everyone grabbed their bags and went out of the room." Hey, wanna join us?" Oliver offered.

" Well, I don't have any friends yet besides you guys so sure." Cassie said." Great." Liv said so they head to the cafeteria and went on the line to grab their food before sitting down at a table.

" Hey guys." Liam greeted as he walks towards the group holding a tray of his food and followed by a blonde guy from Cassie's first class earlier.

" Hey Liam, Hey Max." Liv greeted as the two boys sat down." Hey guys." Max greeted sitting down next to Oliver.

" Cassie, right?" Max asked. Cassie nodded." I haven't formally introduced myself. I'm Maxwell Anderson but please, call me Max. I'm 18." Max introduced.

" The eldest of the group." Cassie said." You name it." Max said then they all chuckled." Hey Max, I was hoping you can come to my house for our assignment?" A brunette girl with long hair asked.

" Sure Brighton." Max asked." K. See you later." Brighton said before walking away to the group of girls from earlier.

" Who are those girls?" Cassie asked." Those are the Elites." Liv said." Cheer leaders?" Cassie asked." No, cheer leaders are way different. Elites are the Clique of the school." Oliver said.

" Clique?" Cassie asked." You know. Super popular gossip girls of the school." Liam said." Oh... what are their names?" Cassie asked.

" There is Brighton Sharbino, Lily Chee, Lilia Buckingham, Maddie Ziegler, Chloe East, Taylor Nunez, Nadia Turner, Emily Skinner, Bostyn Brown, Lexi Jayde, Jordyn Jones and Jaycee Wilkins." Max introduced.

" Are they really mean?" Cassie asked." Sometimes. You just don't wanna cross their path." Liv said." Well that sucks. They were glaring at me earlier." Cassie said.

" Wait... are you the girl with the Rolls Royce?" Max asked. Cassie nodded." They were gossiping about you." Max informed.

" That can't be good." Cassie said as she glanced over to the Elites who kept glancing at her.

" Wait, wait, wait. Rolls Royce?!" Oliver asked." Yeah." Cassie said.
" You must be really rich. What's your parents work?" Liam asked.

" My parents were business people." Cassie said." Oh ok." Liv said.

" Can't believe it's only the first day back at school and we already have a project and assignment." Oliver said.

" It's a good thing we're both partners in the same project." Cassie said.

" Lucky you. I'm partnered with Brighton." Max said." She kinda looks into you though." Cassie said.

" Well it's because some of the Elites are into him." Liam said.
" Wow." Cassie said.

" Not only the Elites but most of the girls in this University." Liv said." A chick magnet. Impressive." Cassie said then they all laughed.

First ever chapter. I hope you enjoyed.

What do you guys think?

I'll try updating once a week.
Stay tuned for the next chapter. Peace!

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