Chapter 102: Hellfire

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Chapter 102:  Hellfire

Titania tolerated the Underworld more than she tolerated most other places.  And by most other places, she meant anywhere her mother was.  With Tinkerbell, life was chaotic and superficial.

The Underworld was the opposite.  It was a city of eternal twilight with a steady heartbeat.

Because it was underground, the Underworld was relatively under-populated. As Titania's father always said, "No one comes to the Underworld that doesn't want to be here."

And that was true.

Given the natural vetting process, Underworld inhabitants tended to be very like-minded. They were resilient, mild mannered, and incredibly skilled. Engineers, miners, geoscientists, cyberspace architects, and boulder class dragon trainers were only some of the professions that thrived in the underground world.

Subsequently, the Underworld became an epicenter for innovation and productivity.

It reminded Titania of the military – a softer version of course.

There was one downer.

Her father.


Titania growled as Moliére, a pudgy French mineralogist, shouted up the side of Big B.E.N. (the Underworld's enormous clock tower). "TERRANCE YOUR NASTY DAUGHTER IS HERE TO SEE YOU!"

Titania unfolded her wings. "He's thousands of feet up, asswipe. There's no way he can hear you. Just let me fly up there."




"Why not? He's on the clock face - I can see him. I don't give a damn what you say, I'm going up -- "

"No!" Moliére seized her wrist. His fingers were dirty and clammy – like an actual mole's. "Terrance said he is not to be disturbed! There is too much to do! Too much to prepare! Mademoiselle Darling is coming back to us! Everything must be parfaite! Parfaite!"

Titania raised a fist. "Are you going to get off me or do I have to make you?"

"Make me what?! Terrance said he is not to be disturbed!"

 "I'm his daughter!"

"I'm his confidant!"

"I will pound you into the ground asswipe!"

A group of people laughed behind them. The first was Fawn, a pixie zoologist with a specialty in dragon care. The second was Vinny Santorini, the Underworld's demolitions expert (who also happened to be an accomplished florist).

The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth were Chief Hiccup Haddock, his dragon Toothless, and the youngest of Hiccup's four children: a seven year old girl named Zephyr and a five year old boy named Nuffink.

Fawn flew to Titania.

"I def wouldn't try pounding Mole into the ground. He loves dirt." Fawn lowered Titania's fist. "He'd probably super enjoy it."

Moliére snickered.

Titania ripped her wrist free.  "Then he'll love the grave I dug him."

"So nasty!" Moliére scampered behind Zephyr and Nuffink. The children giggled as he waddled on all fours. "Tell Mademoiselle Bell to fly home to mommy!  Pixies belong in Skyworld!"

Fawn fluttered her wings. "Major offense taken! Take that back before Titania and I blow you into the Black Hole! Vinny? Toothless? You wanna help?"

Toothless nodded emphatically. Vinny slid a stick of dynamite from his belt. Somehow the fuse was already lit.

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