Chapter 140: Homecoming and Homegoing

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Chapter 140: Homecoming and Homegoing

Wendy stood outside Gwen's door. Evening had come, the guests had left, and her daughter's belongings were still in the hallway.

Peter's punishment had ended hours ago, but Gwen hadn't joined them for dinner. Even Michaleen couldn't persuade her to come out for a bedtime story.

Fist hovering indecisively over her chin, Wendy finally entered the bedroom.

"Gwen..." she whispered, gingerly cracking the door. "Darling?"

Gwen was in bed, oriented away from Wendy. She didn't speak, but her phone was lit, suggesting she was awake.

Wendy took a small step. Gwen visibly tensed; her fingers curled inward, as if withholding a scream.

Wendy eased back through the doorway. She could feel Gwen's fear.

"Nana." she called, voice hardly above a hush. Deftly, she pointed into the bedroom. "In here girl. Stay."

Dutifully, Nana padded to Gwen's bedside. Chin on the mattress, she gazed lovingly as moonlight pooled in her droopy eyes.

Gwen slid from bed. Wendy waited for her to burry into Nana's side. Then, shutting the door, she slipped downstairs and into the backyard.

It had been a contentious day. She needed a moment's peace.

The dwarves had strung pink and yellow fairy lights from Hangman's Tree. Ascending the ladder, Wendy took a moment to appreciate their aesthetic touches. She also wondered how they managed to grow an entire tree overnight; it certainly hadn't been there when she was a child. Oh well. Might as well ascribe it to 'workaholic - dwarf - magic.'

Once in the fort, Wendy leaned on a bough. It was a beautiful autumn night. She could just drink in all the stars.

Her gaze drifted to the Black Hole. Unsettled, she thought of Eris, Pitch Black, and the mysterious voice in her head.


"Hey homeowner, can you give me a hand with this?"

Smiling, Wendy turned. Jim returned her smile, one elbow around the ladder and the other cradling a cardboard box.

"What are you doing here?" Wendy asked in a tone that actually said I'm so glad you came. Joining him, she hefted the cardboard box. "I thought you left."

Jim hopped over the top rung. "I had dinner with the girls, then came back. Ariel and Melody are practicing for karaoke night."

"Ah yes. Jak mentioned he and Melody did that." Carefully, Wendy lowered the box. "So you and Ariel will be joining them at the Snuggly Duckling?"

"That's the plan. Ariel was supposed to talk to Jak about it today, after the Oogie Boogie meeting. I'm assuming he said yes."

"That's progress, Jim. Seems like you're slowly burying the hatchet."

"Yeah, I'm pretty pumped. Don't know what the Hell I'm going to sing, but it'll be worth it."

"Why don't you try rapping?" Wendy leaned against the bough. "We both know you can't sing."

"Wow. Savage." Jokingly, Jim referred to Peter's prior statement. "Ladies should be seen and not heard."

"Goodness." Wendy shook her head at Gwen's room. "What a disaster that was. I'm sorry about Gwendolyn's behavior earlier."

"Don't be. She's a lot like Peter – get's super mad, then has to stew."

"I can't fault her completely. She did have a valid point. I haven't given it much thought, but I think we're going to convert the tea room into a bedroom for Michaleen. I'd hoped to keep Shadow there, away from Gwen, but for now he'll just have to stay under our bed. It's small, but he'll make due."

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