Chapter 83: Kissing Cousins

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Chapter 83: Kissing Cousins

Gwen was not fine. She was one unsettled breath away from vomiting.

Following the incident with Jak, she had fled the military gym for the only remaining safe-haven she could think of:

Fantasia University Library.

The library was Gwen's home away from home. When she wasn't running or babysitting Michaleen, she was in the library, nestled in a private study nook, hidden behind her textbooks. 

Gwen had always been a bookworm, but her time in the library had increased with the demands of her curriculum. Even Belle, the head librarian, often joked that Gwen needed a library card to check herself out every night.

The library was open 24/7. This early in the semester, Gwen knew it would be empty.

It was the perfect hiding place.

"Gwen?" Belle jumped as Gwen rushed inside. Brushing a stray wisp of hair, she called, "Gwen is everything alright – "

"Exam!" Gwen lunged up a spiral staircase, two steps at a time. "Sorry I have an examination, I need to study!"

She didn't study. She didn't even try. Instead she ran to a remote corner, between two bookshelves.  Curling against the books, she wished that this nightmare would end. She wished again that she could sink into the pages and rewrite her life.

Rewrite her life...write her own stories...

Just like the stories her mother used to write her...on The Second Star.

Gwen struck the books, sending several off the shelf. The action reminded her of punching Jak, which made her think of all the terrible consequences that awaited her for assaulting a military officer.

Gwen shoved the books with her foot. She was doomed. 

"Wow..." chuckled a voice above her. "That was immature."

Gwen's head snapped up. She sneezed unexpectedly as pixie dust sprinkled before her nose. The pixie dust fluffed over the dismantled books, lifting them midair.

Gwen followed the books' ascent. Looking through the pages, she scowled at the Ferngullian floating above her.

"Go away Rufio."

Rufio snickered.

"Awww what's the matter cuz?" He grabbed playfully at her pigtails. "Did ya fall out of the wrong side of the bed? I mean after yesterday's race, falling is kinda your thing now."

Gwen jerked her braids free. "Don't touch me! I will report you for sexual harassment again, I swear."

"Ha!" Rufio rubbed his chest. "Ohhhh the old sexual harassment charges! What a great bonding experience for us both. How old were we? Thirteen? Fourteen?"

"Twelve you flying rat."

"Really it was that long ago?"


"And you're still bitter? Come on Gwen - all I did was borrow a bra from your locker."

"No, you stole it while I was taking a shower in the girls locker room."

"In my defense, it matched my outfit. And, I think the entire student body agreed that I filled it better."

Gwen seized her backpack. She charged for the stairs.

Keeping Fantasia: The Third Book of the Fantasia SeriesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum