Chapter 133: A Good Scare

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Chapter 133: A Good Scare

Jim caught Wendy under her arm. Then, he almost tore Tinkerbell apart.

Ariel and Peter launched simultaneous counterattacks: Peter double knotted Tinkerbell wings and Ariel electrocuted Tinkerbell into a pixie-potato chip.

But their attacks were child's play compared to Wendy's. Black magic purled from her body as she pushed off Jim and seized Tinkerbell's shadow. Eyes black, she squeezed the shadow from the bottom up, tightening it like a noose.

"Don't — ever— " she hissed "—touch me again."

Tinkerbell choked. She felt Wendy digging through her unhappy memories, forcing every ugly truth to light:

King Arthur's insults. Her exclusion from Fantasia's national celebrations. Her bratty daughter. Her saintly ex-husband. The dread of aging. Medical complications after countless cosmetic surgeries. Drunken stupors with men she didn't know.

And, most unbearable of all, Wendy's marriage to the great Peter Pan...the man Tinkerbell would kill to call her own...

Tinkerbell's jealousy lit like a blow torch. She knew Wendy saw it. And she felt Wendy  smile.

"Dirty – Shadow – Worker!" Painstakingly, Tinkerbell fished a syringe from her mini skirt. She drove the needle into her neck, pumping amber liquid into her vein. As the Cheshire Cat psychedelic dissolved, she jerked from Wendy's mental hold.

Wendy was stunned. "How did you - ?"

"Boys!" Tinkerbell summoned her pixie bodyguards. "Kill her! Kill that beast!"

The pixies raised their weapons. Too afraid to approach Wendy outright, they threw the armaments instead.

Chains, bats, and hammers flew. Wendy ducked as a chain whipped by her head, but the metal coiled backward, striking her cheekbone.

She staggered. Her cheek was red.

What next happened was technically not the guardians fault.

Neon radiation – identical to Edna's blaster discharge – obliterated the television set. The guardians felt their skin rearranging as Edna's super suits unfolded like origami, and their powers went ballistic.

"Yessss!" Edna lead the cheer in Kuzcotopia. Fists curling into the air, she hopped wildly as light streamed from the guardians' fingertips.

"The subdermal superhero habiliments are activating! My super suits are coming to LIFE! Rise my guardians! GO! FIGHT! WIN -- "


Water pipes exploded, flooding the set with a landlocked tidal wave. A hurricane and tornado launched the studio to kingdom come. Meteorites burned the air the and smushed Tinkerbell's dressing room into a crater. And every audience member was so scared, they vowed to boycott the Tinkertell Talk Show forever.

Unfortunately, the cataclysmic events meant no one but Tinkerbell actually saw Edna's super suits (including the guardians themselves).  Edna's super suits intensified each guardian's power, so, as the enchanted suits activated, the proverbial flood gates opened, and the guardians were literally blown away by their own powers.

Tinkerbell was right at the epicenter. The last thing she saw before passing out was Jim morphing into a cybernetic alien, his jaws opening around her face.

There was a tremendous explosion.

The Tinkertell Talk Show went chaotic,

then static,

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