Chapter 100: Revenge of the Bitch

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Chapter 100: Revenge of the Bitch

Tinkerbell absolutely cared that the guardians were back!

She cared a lot. A whole lot. 

Think "unhealthy-obsession  meets delirious-evil-giggle" a whole lot.



Tinkerbell (for those who cannot remember) was a bitch.

Sorry for swearing (I'll put money in Wendy's language- jar later) but it's true. Sometimes eloquence falls short when describing terrible people and this is one of those instances.

Tinkerbell was just a bitch.

Tinkerbell had a murky past. During the Battle to Give Fantasia, she had colluded with an ancient demon named Pitch Black and, in an attempt to destroy Wendy, had granted him access to the Underworld.

The act of treachery had landed her one week in prison. King Arthur had wanted her sentenced for life, but Tinkerbell's "not-guilty" plea was supported by a very sticky subject.

Tinkerbell claimed she was manipulated by shadow working magic.

Very. Sticky. Subject.

Shadow working magic was incredibly mysterious. Other than Wendy (who was still a novice), Fantasia had no other shadow workers or experts on the subject matter, meaning no one could refute Tinkerbell's testimonials.

Basically the jury was stuck. Tinkerbell was innocent unless proven guilty.

So, she got off easy...ish.

King Arthur allowed Tinkerbell's release from prison but his leniency stopped there. He sentenced Tinkerbell to life-long parole and assigned a special intelligence team to monitor her behavior. Every text message, every social media account, every credit card purchase, and every greeting card was thoroughly vetted by King Arthur's team. If Tinkerbell tweeted a picture of herself sipping a java crème frappuccino, King Arthur already knew she paid way too much for it.

He knew everything about her. And he was not the least bit ashamed.

There was more.

King Arthur also excluded Tinkerbell from all national holidays.

And that, more than anything, made Tinkerbell mad.

Fantasians, you see, were very patriotic. All for one and one for all! United we stand, divided we fall!

The Battles to Take and Give Fantasia had instilled an overwhelming sense of pride that King Arthur promoted  through national holidays. These holidays included the guardians' birthdays (celebrated on the firsts of the winter, spring, summer, and fall) and Remembrance Day (celebrated on January 1st, King Arthur's birthday).

These holidays were unique as they were festive, but all were quintessentially Fantasian. It gave Fantasians a sense of unity, identity, and all around awesomeness.

Patriotism was very popular.

And Tinkerbell was 3000% excluded. Even though she had been acquitted of all crimes, King Arthur wanted everyone to know she was not a true Fantasian.

It was a slap in the face.

At first Tinkerbell was livid. But once she was shunned, she embraced the bad girl reputation and ran with it. If King Arthur wanted to play dirty, she would play dirty right back. She decided to become the most disreputable pixie in all Fantasia.

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