Chapter 14: Neverland Misadventures - Mis"conception"

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Chapter 14: Neverland Misadventures – Mis"conception"

(When: 16ish Years Ago)

Two years passed.

Two years the guardians explored Neverland, acting as emissaries for King Arthur. Their goal was simple: inform the aliens that Fantasia was off-limits. Fantasia's space fabric was torn and the planet was vulnerable to attack. The aliens were politely instructed to keep away or they would be annihilated. King Arthur had a big magical sword, and he liked to stab things with it.

Some aliens were receptive. Some aliens were not. Some aliens had no idea Fantasia even existed until Jim and Company showed up. Regardless, each encounter was an adventure – rather, a misadventure! Nothing ever went according to plan, and the peaceful envoy usually resulted in a near-death-experience.

I wish I could tell you every tale. However, that is not the point of this story. The point of this story (at least, the point of The Neverland Misadventures) is to talk about the guardians and their children.

Or...their misadventures with their children.

As mentioned at the start of this chapter, two years had passed. Jim and Ariel jumped into parenthood with Silver providing god-father support.

Everyone waited expectantly for Wendy and Peter to join the baby-club. In light of Jim's No More Than One Pregnancy at a Time Rule, Ariel had agreed to let Wendy bear the next child. Taking turns seemed the fairest approach to pregnancy (if not weirdest).

Peter and Wendy ravenously wanted a child. So they tried.

And tried.

And tried.

And tried.

But after two years, little Jon Hawkins was still the only baby aboard. (Well, the only baby aside from Peter. Haha joke).  

Until one hopeless night...

Wendy sighed at the ceiling

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Wendy sighed at the ceiling. She waited for the sweet sensations to fade before untangling herself from Peter. "Maybe we're doing it wrong."

"Wrong?" Peter twirled happily over the bed. Intimacy always made him float. The happy thoughts (and feelings) literally lifted his spirits. "What are we doing wrong?"


"Oh sex?"

"Peter please. Someone will hear you."

"Ha, if they haven't heard us already! High five baby!"

"I'll pass, thank you very much."

"Haha okay! Ariel and Jim are the couple that high-fives after sex anyways. Geeks!"

"Oh dear."

"So why are you worried, pretty girl?"

Wendy slipped under the bed linens. "We've been trying for two years to have a baby. But we haven't been able. So something must be wrong."

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