Chapter 74: Home Sweet Home

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Chapter 74: Home Sweet Home

Sarah Hawkins stood at the edge of Pirate's Point. It was a staggering view. The bluff dropped sharply into the ocean, leaving only the sea and sky ahead.

The wind, as always, was heavy. Sarah could feel the dampness of sea spray in her hair. But instead of pulling in a storm, the wind was pushing away the clouds, unveiling the night sky. 

The starlight had been building all evening. It became so powerful, Sarah had to see it for herself. So, bundling in Sinbad's Carhartt fishing jacket, she left the comfort of indoors and ventured onto the cliff.

It was well worth it. The wind was cold, but the stars were crystal clear. Sarah turned in slow circles, trying to take everything in. Her eyes couldn't open wide enough to see all the beauty at once, and she couldn't smile wide enough to display her awe. 

The stars were everywhere, sparkling in every direction.

Except the Black Hole.

Sarah stopped. As she gazed into the Black Hole, her enchantment  faded. The Black Hole was so bleak. For some reason, it made her miss Sinbad more than usual. It made her worry for her grandchildren more than she already did. It also made her ache for her children...especially Jim.

Jim was somewhere beyond that Black Hole. He'd disappeared behind it eighteen years ago.

Eighteen years.

Sarah tightened her collar. She looked back at the night sky. Sighing, she quickly wished on a shooting star, then burrowed back home. 

If nothing else, Sarah was a remarkably hardworking woman: and tomorrow was going to be a busy day. Perhaps she'd light a candle, pour some wine, and read Delbert Doppler's latest astrophysics paper before heading to bed.

Like her son, Sarah loved astronomy and she was good at math. With the help of Google for definitions, she could usually get through one of Delbert's publications. Delbert was always enthusiastic to share his work, but his writing style was incredibly boring, so his papers doubled as a sleep aid.

Sarah chuckled to herself. Poor Delbert she thought, hanging Sinbad's Carhartt. He tries so hard. Smoothing the jacket sleeve, Sarah clicked the door shut.

Suddenly there was a knock. 

Then there were two knocks. 

Then three.

Sarah frowned.

"Who could that be?" she wondered aloud. Cautiously, she unlocked the door. "The last time I had a house caller this late, the Fantasian police had arrested – "

Sarah's heart spun from her chest as she opened the door.


Jim smiled. "Hi Mom."

Would you believe it? The stars actually shown brighter as Sarah embraced her son. They almost twinkled out of the sky as Ariel threw her arms around both of them, and Morph spiraled around them all. Of course there were happy tears and happy hugs, but Jim finally asked the question he and Ariel couldn't wait to ask.

"Mom, is Melody here?"

She was. She was sound asleep, actually in Jim's old room.

"Please honey, don't wake her." Sarah placed a finger to her lips. "I promise she'll be up bright and early. You'll see her before school. But now wouldn't be a good time for you to meet."


"Because she's already taken her medicine."

"Medicine?" Ariel was alarmed, "What does she take medicine for – "

"Honey..." Sarah held Ariel's hand. She reached for Jim's. "Trust me. Please. I promise, Melody is fine but she needs to sleep. And from the looks of it, so do you!"

Sarah lead them both into the living room. "You can sleep on the couch. It folds out. Oh I wish we could stay up and talk! I want to hear about everything you've done, and I'm sure you have questions about everything that's happened while you've been away! But need sleep. Both of you."

Sarah readied their bed. Lovingly, she bade them both goodnight.

"Melody will be up at first morning's light. Please, get some sleep before you meet her."Sarah winked as she switched off the light. "You'll need it. Night kids. Love you both."

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