She must have heard me do that because she tried to escape my hold. I held her tight as she cried on my chest. "I hate you! I hate you!" She screamed beating me.

"I know, sis. I know." I whisper as I inject her with the sedative.

"How's Diana doing? Still asleep, I assume." Ryder asks as I pick Vanessa up and bring her to the private jet.

"Yes, and she's doing fine. I just hope she stays asleep the whole flight. I don't want her going into shock or having a heart attack if she sees me. Especially on an airplane." I sigh, placing Vanessa on a chair and buckling her up. I smile at the babies that are asleep in thier carriers. All four of them are going to be strong and capable of taking over after their parents.

I grab my daughters carrier and bring it over to where I'm sitting. Diana is in the bedroom on the plane because I want her to get as much rest as she can before we get home.

As we take off, I wonder what Diana planned on naming her. I want her to have a strong name that people would shake in fear over. A name that will be seen as a symbol of power.


Eight hours later...

"Yes, send them immediately. I want everyone to know that I'm getting married." I hear Nick say. If he thinks I'm marrying him, he's dead wrong. If he's marrying someone else then they're dead. Why do I have to be jealous of a man I hate?! It's infuriating.

"Sir, when is the wedding?"

"The end of this month. Not a moment later. Can you make sure they get the invites? I want them all to know who who will be the most powerful mafia lord." He says in a dark and twisted tone. As if he was an evil villain plotting his revenge.

"Y-yes, Sire." The man he was talking to must have left the room because I hear footsteps and a door closing. I lay still keeping my breathing normal and pretend I'm still asleep. I'm afraid of what he'll do to me if I face him alone.

"I'm not going to hurt you...I know you're awake." He whispers caressing my face with his palm. I whimper and turn my head away from his touch.

"Please don't." I whisper opening my eyes and cursing at the bright light.

"Don't, what? Touch you? You are mine, I will do with you as I see fit." He said smiling.

"No. I meant please don't force me to marry you. I can't marry you when I know so little about you. Not to mention, you muzzled me like I was your pet! I will not raise my daughter with a father that has no respect for women!" I yell at him, getting up off the bed.

"Get back in bed. You still aren't fully healed after giving birth. You need your rest." He said softly patting the spot beside him on the bed. I shake my head in disbelief.

"No! I want to see my daughter. Then I am leaving this place and you for good! I hate you! I wish I never listened to Vanessa that day. I should've just left and stayed in that peaceful life!" I scream.

"Diana, I won't ask again. Get back to bed. We'll talk about the wedding in the morning. For now, I would like for us to get some rest. I just want to hold you." He said in a more threatening tone. I whimper and get back into bed. I'm tired of fighting with him. Maybe I should just do what he says.

He pulls my body into his and smells my hair. Than he nuzzles his face into my neck and gives me soft sensual kisses. "I love you, Diana. I always have." I stayed silent not really knowing how to respond. I don't even know what feelings i have towards this man.

"I'm sorry i didn't come back after I was rescued from your father. I was afraid... you scared me." I sob into his chest, gripping his shirt tightly in both fists.

"I'm sorry for doing what I did. I just got so angry with you. You ran out on our dinner and conversation like you didn't care about our date. I even made sure there was Irises everywhere for a romantic setting." He grumbled in a whiny voice.

"Speaking of that, how did you know those were my favorite flowers? I never told you." I ask sitting up and looking down at him with his head still on the pillow and his hair spiked in differeng ways. I just want to move my fingers through that thick hair and hear him talk in his Russian accent.

"Yeah, about that- I might have forced it out of your brother. Speaking of which, I should contact your father so he can come pick Josh up. I promised to set him free as soon as you came back." He says yawning and closing his eyes. I stare at him in pure shock and then he sits straight up and looks at me with panicked eyes. "I didn't mean to say that out loud!"

"You have my brother as a prisoner! How could you?!" I yell and start hitting him with my pillow and any solid object that came in reach of me that I could easily throw at his face.

"He came here and I was pissed at you at the time! If it helps I haven't hurt him! I even let your father visit and see him." He says calmly trying to calm me down.

I frown and stop throwing random objects as I take that information in. "I guess it's fine. I'm still pissed at you! Anything else I should know about?!" He laughs nervously at that question.

"Derek kidnapped Alonzo and I don't know why. I even took the spy's finger and she still wouldn't talk." He answered then punched the wall. Sergeant pranced over to Nick and rubbed against him.

"Alonzo has been kidnapped?! I hope he survives. He's actually not such a bad guy." I say rolling my eyes at Nick. Plus, Alonzo is my niece and nephew's father. I missed my pet tiger. I run around the king sized bed and hug him. He purrs as I rub my cheek on his fur.

"How are you not dead? He barely lets me even touch him." Nick says shocked at how kind our cat is.

"Maybe because you don't act like he's a baby. I do. You treat him as an equal that can be used as a weapon. I see him as my new cuddle partner until you learn to treat me with respect." I smirk at Nick and give a wink. I crawled into bed and patted the bed inviting Sergeant. He jumps up and lays down beside me, purring.

"I'm starting to regret bringing you back here." Nick grumbled grabbing a pillow and walking towards the door to go to a different room.

"Good! Next time anyone wants to enter this room, they better have my daughter in their arms!" I shout as he closes and locks the door behind him. Like that could stop me.

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