Chapter 7-Before The Norm

Start from the beginning

I heard him sigh as I walked away angrily. I wasn't one to fight or offend Harry, in fact in the two years I knew him I think our only fight was the day I met Zayn and even then it wasn't exactly a proper fight. It hurt him when I was angry or upset, whether it was at Jordan or at him, it didn't matter. I think deep down, he wanted anything but for me to turn into Jordan. I understood giving Jordan's views on supernatural creatures but regardless, Jordan was a strong kid and that was rare these days. In fact, it was rare for a child to live past five years of age so for that both Jordan and I were incredibly grateful.

It was still early morning when all this was happening, possibly eight or nine in the morning. This past year we have become a lot more vigilant and so we woke up early, usually at five and for Jordan, six or seven and at night we would go to bed at ten or even sometimes eleven at night. Though we had no watch or phone on us, we still had Harry's phone and he even taught us how to tell the time of day due to the position and of the sun, which we had picked up so well that we did that daily.

I sat just outside the hut, leaning against it as I joined Jordan in his daily 'thinking time'. He always hated it more than anything when Harry interrupted, most likely because he was planning ways to kill Harry, but with me he was more than happy to have my company.

"Do you ever wonder what it's like back in civilisation? I mean it's been two years, perhaps it's died down?"

I laughed and turned my head to look up at the sky, resting the back of it against the hut's walls.

"Careful Jordan, you're Keme is showing."

He chuckled softly. I always used our family name to describe our similarities we had to our parents. Their unusual sense of positivity and curiosity was something that both Jordan and I had acquired, though Jordan was more like mum-high spirited and free whereas I was more like dad, sticking to the rules and what not, although I had no idea where Jordan acquired his passion from. He stuck to his values; hating supernaturals and a weird need to always feel stronger than his opponent. Mother, father and even I, myself always held values dear to us but never to the extent of wanting to kill off entire species.

Our parents loved vampires and worked with them for years even though at that time they didn't know about it but still, they had become close friends with quite a few of them and even after they came out of the shadows, there was a period of peace where some of their vampire friends even showed up to hold me once I had been born. In the end, if things didn't happen so quickly then I'm sure they would have been glad to be killed by zombies and not the creatures they held so dearly to the hearts.

"Lily, I didn't really know our parents. Can you tell me about them? As far as I know, they are just names on a birth certificate and I don't have anything in common with them except for my last name."

I looked over to him sadly and he gave me a limp smile. I wanted to tell him the truth but I didn't want him to feel isolated. I didn't want his values and opinions to be questioned just because I held similar ones to mother and father and he didn't.

"Well obviously you are just as big and ugly as they were." I laughed and he simply grinned and shook his head playfully.

"In all seriousness, you are curious just like they were and even though I was seven, I know they..." I couldn't help but pause, trying to find the right way to lie to him and protect him but for some reason the words that formed in my head wouldn't leave my mouth.

"They what?" He pushed, trying to get a simple answer out of me.

In the end I couldn't look him in the eyes so I simply looked down at the ground and smiled which made him frown very slightly.

"They hated supernaturals too. Granted they weren't as passionate about it as you but they heavily disliked them."

My answer seemed to satisfy him as he turned his head away from me and looked down at the ground as I had been doing. My eyes now wondered up to his and when his finally met mine I smiled gently at him as if he was about to break right in front of me.

"Lily, they were right about supernaturals. They are horrible creatures." He paused and looked back down at the ground, playing and picking at the grass below.

"You said mum and dad died by a zombie raid...we could have easily been killed at that time too, why didn't we?"

"Mum saw them running down the hall and I'm sure that sight of them was terrifying enough. She was holding you at the time and she gave you to me and told me to grab your hand and hide with you under the bed while she and dad tried everything they could to place objects in front of the door and it was working for a while until a couple came through the window. You were about to cry and I could see that so I put my hand over your mouth and I'll admit you almost died that day. Not because they saw or heard or smelt us but because I was so scared of losing you too that my grasp was a little rough."

His eyes widened and without any warning he grabbed me and pulled me close to him, his warm embrace made me smile and I hugged him back to assure him that I was there for him.

As we pulled away I saw his head snap towards the direction of the gate and as I slowly turned my head the same way my eyes widened and for some reason a small smile crept its way across my face as I realised who was standing there beside Harry. I couldn't help but realise how warmly Harry looked at the figure and as I stood up to walk over I felt Jordan's hand trying to pull me back down.

"Don't." He glared at me and tilted his head slightly.

I pulled myself out of his reach and made my way over to the other two guys.

"Zayn." I stuck my hand out and as he turned around I quickly pulled it back...

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