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Shawn kissed my lips while gently stroking my already remarkable belly. A moan escapes my lips as I feel caresses on my thigh.

I part my lips a little from his and I open my eyes meeting the beautiful smile of my brunette. I let out a sigh and move closer to his chest and then run my arms over his body.

Shawn strokes my hair while singing Kid in love, a small smile escapes from me, I stop hugging him and begin to spread kisses on his cheek. He starts laughing making me wince.

I entwine my hand with his and direct it to my belly, feeling completely happy and Shawn slowly approaches my belly.

"Hello, little baby. You don't know how much I want mommy and I to have you in our lives, I hope you are just like her, you would be fucking perfect or perfect" I laugh at her comment "I love you so much that it is impossible for me to express it" Shawn mutters about my blouse while distributing kisses on it.

"I think it's about time the world found out, what do you say?" I say while caressing her hand.

Shawn watches me "if it's what you want, we'll do it, love."

"I'm hungry" I whisper as my cheeks fill with a crimson color.

Shawn laughs "you just had two crepes, are you still hungry?" I nod.

"Could you buy me some Mexican food and some Italian?" I say, imagining myself eating tacos al pastor and Alfredo pastas.

"Whatever you want, love" Shawn gets up to find her phone and call reception to bring food to our room.

After a few minutes the food is already in our room, I start to eat while watching Shawn look at me smiling.

"Stop smiling, your mouth will hurt" I say as I grab a taco and put it in my mouth.

When I finish eating, I see that I didn't offer Shawn anything that makes me feel bad.

"Did you want?" I asked with a shy smile and he shakes his head and then walks over to me.

"I'm hungry for something else" Shawn cautiously approaches me and catches my lips making me jump on top of him.

His kisses go down to my neck making me shudder, after a while the clothes disappear and the only thing that can be heard in the room are the occasional moan.

Our bodies fall exhausted after the beautiful moment and my eyes close little by little, the last thing I feel is a caress on my back.

I open my eyes heavily meeting the deep gaze of my boy, he smiles once more and draws me to his body.

"I love you Stormie" I smile at her words.

"I love you so much more, Shawn."

And this is how our afternoon passed there is nothing that could ruin our day, it was just him, our little baby and me.

And this is how our afternoon passed there is nothing that could ruin our day, it was just him, our little baby and me

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