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It had been a week since Shawn passed out and he knew he would be the father of a beautiful baby.

I turned my gaze and watched as he raised his hand to bring it to his lips making my belly a complete jungle.

"Now no Please"

Shawn turns his gaze to me and I quickly turned it around making like I'm watching TV. I hear how she lets out a loud laugh causing me to join her.

He gets a little closer to me and draws me into his arms laying me on his chest, I settle down a bit, and I begin to hear his beats that were speeds that felt like his heart would come out of him.

Little by little I close my eyes and fall completely asleep in her arms.

Meanwhile, the beautiful brunette who was next to him stroked his best friend's hair while letting out a sigh, he really always thought that the day he found out that he would have a child he would already be married.

But clearly it was not that way, a smile comes out of him when he sees that Stormie had fallen asleep on his chest and he slowly tries to let go of the chestnut's grip making her pout and hug him more.

Shawn lets out a not so loud laugh so as not to wake up the beautiful girl and takes his phone out of his bag to start talking with a young woman he had met two days ago.

Shawn starts chatting with the girl and an hour goes by, until Stormie opens her eyes heavily and watches as Shawn smiles at her on the phone.

The chestnut's heart is oppressed to the point of wanting to cry, but she doesn't, she swallows all her emotions and raises her head to watch him.

Shawn was so expectant on the phone that he didn't notice when Stormie woke up, nor when Stormie left her room.

The brunette walks as he sees Shawn for the last time and gently lies down on his bed to snuggle into the sheets, his body felt so weak and tears started to flow.

She really did not want to cry, but these days she had felt more vulnerable to the situations that happened, whether happy or sad, she wipes her tears and tries to distract herself by playing on her phone.

Time passes and Stormie gets bored with playing games, so she looks up to find Shawn watching her expectantly.

He walks over to her and lies down.

"Because you left?" - Asks watching her.

Stormie looks at him with a frown and breathes "You were on your phone too busy and I didn't want to disturb you."

The brunette looks at her incredulous and shakes his head "Do you think I care more about the phone? If only you had asked me to leave the device, without a doubt I would have done it."

Stormie smiles at the boy's words and intertwines her hand with his "you know this doesn't stop you from dating any girl, right? I want you to know that you have the right to be happy with the person you truly love, no I want to be the cause that stops you. "

"Why are you telling me this now?

"Did I see you smile before I left, I know you were talking to a girl. If you really love her you shouldn't let her go for someone like me."

"Someone like you? First of all, there is no person like you. You are the most beautiful girl, not only physically but also internally that I have ever met. If I wanted someone in my life it would be you, and about my smile in the phone was talking to a girl I met recently, she's nothing, she's just a friend. "

I smile at her words and hit her "I love you, you know?"

Shawn smirks and gets up to later take a photo with the brunette.

Shawn smirks and gets up to later take a photo with the brunette

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