( with a smile by bright 😉 why not brightwin)
jungkook was beyond anything to say something.

taehyung pull the chair for him to sit comfortably as a gentleman.
jungkook was more touched by it. he was really feeling so special and loved. he smiled and thanked him. then tae took his seat.

but jungkook suddenly got confused.
" why no one is here? it is pretty much famous restaurant."

taehyung smiled at him.
" bun i have reserved the whole restaurant for us today."

jungkook blushed at nickname but he was shocked at this time.

" hyung but it is the vip section plus a private cabin only the owner family and friends are allowed and it is owned by ki--" then it suddenly hit Kim's, kim taehyung. he widened his eyes.

tae noticed it. he chuckled lowly and nodded his head. jungkook smiled and shook his head in disbelief.

" so you have already planned everything. " tae again nodded his head.

" early preparation won't hurt." taehyung said with a smirk.

jungkook looked around. it was really romantic for him. he is really touched by taehyung's action.

they ordered their dishes and talked about random things, come to know about each other. their lunch was also served.

they were having lunch and out of blue taehyung asked,"kookie, do you have a wifi?"

jungkook was confused.
"no!why hyung?"

" because i am feeling connection. " tae said with a playful smile.

"what connection hyung?" jungkook was now beyond confused.

taehyung palmfaced at the younger's innocence.

" i forget that you are too innocent and pure for me." tae mumbled under his breath, jungkook wasn't able to hear it.

" what are you saying hyung?"

" oh !ahh! nothing. it's okay."

jungkook nodded his head and they continued their lunch and talk. suddenly few mins later jungkook realized what tae meant.

he choked on his food and his face heat up. taehyung become worried as kookie choked but then he internally smirked when he saw pink dust on his cheek. he is looking adorable and cute in the taehyung's eyes.

then tae take more initiative for making him blush.
" ahmm kook-" jungkook looked at him while drinking water.

" is it hot here or--" jungkook was confused
" it is you." now jungkook's face was no different from cherry. he lowered his head and internally scold himself for blushing.

taehyung smirked at him. jungkook's face show fifty shades of red. tae chuckled at his cuteness. after lunch taehyung pleaded him for visiting to aquarium. after showing puppy eyes jungkook agreed because he can't say no to his cuteness. but first they decided to go to mall for changing their formal attire so that they can wear something more comfortable.

when they were about to leave taehyung asked him," hmm...kookie do you want to have ice cream?"

jungkook eyes sparkled and he nodded his head.
tae chuckled at him and called his staff for serving the icecream.

after few mins their ice cream was severed, jungkook was really enjoying their lunch and dessert.

while having their dessert taehyung asked," so how are feeling here kook? are you enjoying here?"

jungkook smiled more widely if it was even possible.
" hyung i am loving being here. i am really enjoying. thankyou for inviting me. "

taehyung smile and shook his head. " it's fine kookie as long as you are happy. "
jungkook's heart flutter by his words.

he showed his bunny teeth and literally jumped on tae and highed him tightly. taehyung was shocked so was his staff and they never saw someone daring to be his close to him except his family and friends. and most shocking was that taehyung smiled and hugged him back.
jungkook blushed really hard whrn he felt tae hugging him back then he realized what he has done, but he feels right so let it happen.

taehyung was really happy being in his baby's arms. for kook , he feels like it is the right place for him. 

when jungkook pulled he saw tae who was smiling widely.

" i am glad you are happy and enjoying it." he ruffled his hair and with that both went to the mall.

there they decided to go to Gucci shop as per taehyung's request.

when they went there , tae become totally different. he acted like a child , without any care in the world. jungkook chuckled at his behavior. he was really enjoying it and was really happy that tae showed his side to him.

tae was literally on the verge of buying the whole store but thanks to kookie who dragged him out without paying attention to his nagging and whining.

then he demanded to pay for kookie too which of course jungkook was denying. after few arguments which was friendly kook has to give in by his demanding and stern voice.

"JUNGKOOK. I. WILL. PAY. AND THAT. IS. FINALLY." jungkook slowly nodded his head.

" oh god! i swear this man has dual personality problem. how can someone be baby at a time and then suddenly dangerous. " jungkook thought and sighed heavily.

all workers were shaking from fear by taehyung's voice which can make everyone submit. jungkook would be lying if he wasn't scared for a moment plus blushing too by his deep voice.

they also changed their clothes in casual outfit. then they start their journey for next destination.

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(their outfit)😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊finally here is an update!

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(their outfit)
finally here is an update!

hello armies
here is the chapter i hope you will enjoy it. please share your opinion and thoughts.

till next chapter byee
and always remember

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