luna | 루나

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(n.) a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.

her hands not only wrote the normal letters of appreciation but also the life long straws of aim in his withered survival

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her hands not only wrote the normal letters of appreciation but also the life long straws of aim in his withered survival.

her letters signified her persona, her heart clean ought not be a saint's yet counted as an angels.

her heart beating like the high symphony of that of the bards of power.

but her life was a modern fairytale that had no happy ending, where the fairies enjoyed the dark plethora.

her every breathe being a countdown of her end , still she wanted a life to bloom, a life to cherish, a life to weave with her faltering breathes.

she enjoyed the heat of light but yet her life was nothing but the pattering sounds of rainfall that fell over his windows.
never staying forever.

but yet in those pitiful youths she found the pianos of a dynamo's tiles.

she found him within the hoops of smoke.

"smoking ends you not your pain."

-- 다정한

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