The Fallen Kingdom

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"Wow, your getting really good, maybe I should start trying harder" Mom said fighting with Sabir

"We have been doing this for a while. Why don't you start actually trying" Sabir said blocking mom

"Hey Mom, can you fight with me like you do with Sabir" I asked

"Sage? Honey aren't you supposed to be with Lucas" Mom asked

"Ya, but Dad is looking for you, and he asked me to help" I said

"Ok, where do I need to go" Mom asked

"You need to go to your office" I said

"Thanks Orpheus, go find Lucas and tell him to meet me in the office. Sage, why don't you fight with your brother and if you last more than 5 minutes. We can fight like I do with Sabir. Also make sure Enyo doesn't try to go in the office" Mom said looking at Enyo

"I won't go, I swear" Enyo promised

"Ok then be careful" Mom said then flew away

"Come on Sage, get your chosen weapon" Sabir said

Sabir is really good with the sword, of course not as good as Enyo. Since his talent is knowledge and Enyo's is fighting. Sabir never really teaches me anything and sometimes I feel like he is hiding something. He always makes sure that we don't fight and spend time together. He's been doing it more and more as time goes by.

I mean I like hanging out with Sabir, and Enyo. Though sometimes I just want to be alone. Tomorrow is going to be my birthday and Mom, Dad, and Sabir have been getting really anxious for some reason. Enyo is starting to get worried as well because of how everyone is acting. I guess everyone else knows something I don't or I'm just overthinking things.

"Hey, don't feel down. I'm just that good" Sabir said putting his hand over my shoulder

"Whatever, you just won't go easy on me. At least Enyo does and she is better than you" I said

"Ahh, I love you to little bro" Enyo said taking me away from Sabir

"Ha Ha guys" I said getting away from Enyo

"Anyways tomorrow is your birthday. What do you want" Sabir asked

"How about not having a big party" I said

"Ok, I'll see what I can do" Sabir said


"Really, you will" I asked surprised

"Ya, I'm mean your turning 20 and I think only family should join to, though I can't stop all the presents" Sabir said

"That's fine! Thanks Big Brother" I said excited

"No problem" Sabir said happy

"Hey what about me. What can I get you" Enyo asked upset

"How about we have a flying race" I said

"Ya, your so on" Enyo shouted

Enyo was my big sister and only sister. She loves anything dangerous and adventurous. That's why she is good at anything but studying. I mean she is really good at learning if she can actually do it or that person did something amazing. That's why she only listens to Mom because she did a lot of amazing things and Mom is good at anything and everything.

Though Mom does have trouble sometimes because of what happened to her wings. Though that doesn't stop her from doing anything. Everyone loves Mom, and people don't know why she is with Dad. Since he isn't really good at anything, but he is a good person.

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