50- Shattered

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Adithi's POV:

I went to the office after celebrating Prisha's Birthday. As she had to go to school Bhabhi arranged everything in the morning itself. Jeeva called me as soon as I entered my cabin. 'How long I should wait for you?' he frowned. 'Sorry. I was stuck in traffic,' I replied placing my bag on the table. He dragged me to his cabin.

He made me sit in the chair and he took his seat beside me. He opened his laptop and launched an online meeting. 'Jeeva! So this is your surprise?' I asked surprised. 'You'll get to know soon,' he smiled and patted my shoulder. I could sense the excitement and happiness overflowing in his eyes. What is the plan?

Jeeva's POV:

Adithi was staring at me with a smile. I checked all the documents once again ignoring her stare. She tried to look at the documents. I hid it from her sight. 'You can tell me at least now,' she frowned. 'Just an hour or less,' I smiled. I am excited more than her. I don't know how she will react knowing my surprise. But she will love it for sure.

One of her dreams is going to come true today. Ms. Adithi Shivasundaram, CEO of Shivam Constructions limited. I smiled widely reading it. Thanks to Kartika. She gave me all the information I needed. The meeting started. 'Mr. Stephen. Good morning,' I greeted him.

He smiled back. Adithi's face darkened seeing him. She looked at me perplexed. I gently pressed her hand assuring her. 'I hope everything is ready. Shall we proceed to the legal part?' I asked. 'Mr. Jeeva. We're sorry,' he sighed. My smile instantly faded away. 'What do you mean?' I asked seriously.

Adithi's POV:

'Mr. Jeeva, An old customer wished to own the company. He also bid price higher than you and demanded us to finish the deal yesterday. So now he owns Shivam Constructions,' he replied. A lone tear escaped from my eye hearing the name. I looked at Jeeva who was burning in anger. 'How can you do this? I have promised you the money you demanded. Why?' he yelled.

'Sorry, Mr. Jeeva. You have to be fast in this competitive world,' he shrugged. 'I wish to have that company now. How much do you want?' he asked angrily. 'Mr. Jeeva. He does not want to sell his company to anyone,' he replied. His company. It's someone's now. Tears welled up my eyes. 'I want to talk to that person. Now. Connect him,' Jeeva yelled.

'We cannot disclose our customer's details to you. Sorry for the inconvenience,' he stated. 'You have to meet me in court,' Jeeva fumed in anger. 'We have all documents. It will be your loss if you call us to court,' he ended the meeting.

He threw a file in the air which dispersed the papers in the air. He stood up pushing the chair back. He wanted me to own Appa's company. Tears wetted my cheeks. I got up and gathered the papers and filed them again. I placed the chair back in its position. He was still staring at the wall angrily.

Sanjay's POV:

I enjoyed today's show. I didn't expect Adithi to attend the meeting. But it was heart-warming. Distraught Jeeva. Broken Adithi. And Jeeva cannot fix that broken part of Adithi ever. She will be broken forever. I'll not let Jeeva mend that. I smirked seeing the frozen angry face of Jeeva and the tearful face of Adithi.

Jeeva's POV:

How dare they? They have not sold the company. They have snatched Adithi's dream from her again. I wanted her to live her dream again. I wanted her to be happy. My anger transformed into tears as yesterday's nightmare flashed in my eyes. I felt Adithi's hand touching my shoulder. I turned to her instantly holding her hand.

'I am sorry Adithi,' I lowered my gaze. 'There's nothing to apologize Jeeva,' she held my shoulder. 'No. It's my mistake. I should have been more careful,' I lowered my gaze. 'Jeeva! There's nothing in this that is your fault,' she consoled me. I observed her face. There was a trace of sadness but there was contentment in her face.

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