"You ready Marcus cause I just rang the door bell so you got like 10 seconds"
"Dude what the Fu..." Marcus was cut off by the door swinging open and his mothers teary eyes looking up to him.  Then she pounced like the mother wolf she was.  She missed her pup damnit and she was getting her hug in before he found another reason to run away.  Jacob just stood there snickering to himself as he watches his best friend get smothered to death with love by his mommy.
"Cass honey give the boy some air" the alpha appeared next chuckling and pulling his wifes body off there oldest pup.
"Son it's good you came home, your brother will be so happy to see you." his father gave him a solid alpha dad to alpha son hug.
"Men" the luna said under her breath.
"Dude your family is awesome" Jacob laughed as he patted Marcus' back.  "Hi I'm this jerkface partner and best friend Jacob.  I'm the handsomer one out of the two of us."  The alpha and luna both laughing at this new additions boldness and charming attitude.  Cassandra just cooed at him, Marcus rolled his eyes, while Jonah just felt unsure.  Not about this man being an alpha or stranger on his pack lands, no it was because the damn wolf keeps sniffing and the alpha father has got a sinking feeling he knows why.  Catching Jacob in the act and looking dead in his eyes, he gives Jacob the face of a father; it clearly read:
'Don't even think about it.'

"Well nice to meet you son, any friend of my pups is considered part of the family.  Please come in and bring your stuff we can worry about settling in later.  I will whip up some breakfast while you boys catch up hmmm."  Cassandra says to the group as they all make their way into the living room.  Luggage left by the front door as the men sat down to catch up while the luna made her way to the kitchen. 
     Having a perma-smile on her face, not just because of her pups return, but what she say both those clueless young alphas doing when she opened the door.  Cassandra knew exactly what was up.  'Leave it to the women in this family' the luna laughed to herself as she began making pancakes. 
They're a mothers secret weapon.


     Jonah was now leering at the new young alpha in his home.  The wolf had the balls to still be sniffing the air.  His inner wolf new exactly what that meant because he did it with Cassandra.  He was so focused on the new guy he didn't notice that his son was doing the same thing.  The luna popped her head out of the kitchen "You boys want anything with your pancakes?" she was testing a theory.
"Thank you Luna, anything is fine really although I do have a sudden urge for strawberries.  Again if it's not a problem don't..." the luna laughed her theory being correct.
"No worries at all Jacob and please call me Cassandra for now you will be...I'm mean...are family" walking back into the kitchen the look on her pups face at the mention of strawberries didn't escape her either.  Second theory was also...correct." 
     That look didn't escape his father this time either.  The alpha could only shake his head and laugh to himself.  What has Casper gotten himself into this time?  Two mates, wings, white hair!! Being a prince to top it off.  That last thought started to way heavy on his mind.   He knew exactly what this meant for Casper, and now he supposes by proxy these two clueless alphas sitting on the couch in front of him.  These boys had no idea what trouble they are about to walk into.  When the elf comes back to tell the story of the lost prince all of the lives of his family will be effected now.
    The three alphas sensed her before she made it down the last step as Alley arrived to greet the new guests, the two young alphas stood up to greet her.  "Hi I'm Beta Allison Blake welcome to the Clearwater pack." She had practised being professional in the mirror over a hundred times; she nailed it.
"Boys this is Casper best friend Allison but you will both come to call her Alley Cat like Casper I'm sure."
"Alley Cat?" Marcus was the first to speak up this time. 
"Marcus you should get to know Alley here, as she will be your Beta in the future."  Marcus nodded to his father and looked to Allison his new Beta. "I Alpha Marcus Smoke of the Clearwater Pack except you Allison Blake as my Beta." with a quick handshake the bond was made.  Small jolts of power rushing between the two newly connected wolves.
"That was so cool" Alley said after the tingles subsided.
"Yeah the tingles are new." Marcus could only reply.  Jacob just looked at the pair in awe.  Never having witnessed real pack moments like this gave his wolf found memories of his birth parents.  Even though the wolf remains hidden until the 18th year, their still around in spirit and felt the lose of them just as much as Jacob did.
"Hi I'm Alpha Jacob nice to meet you." standing up and shaking Alleys' hand.  It surprised him he was being so formal but something told him that with this girl he need to impress.   Not sure why the alpha daddy beside him was giving off weird "not my kid vibes" but he figured maybe like the rest of his work buddies back home, the alpha must think he's after Marcus.  That thought made Jacob laugh to himself. 
"So um where is my baby brother? or I guess maybe he doesn't want to see me, yeah I don't blame him.."  Marcus sits back down on the couch rambling quietly to himself.  Jacob took notice and sat back down next to his partner and whispered some encouraging words in his ear as he rubbed his back.  Alley could only think how adorable these boys are being.  She knew full well that Casper is going to fall head over heals in love with these very handsome men.  'Lucky bastard' she thought to herself.
"What was that Alley Cat?" the alpha asks her only catching half of the words the girl let slip out.
"HUh? what no...pesshh nothing, no worries.  I'm gonna go check on the Luna...I mean Cassandra."  Alley ran off her face beet red not believing she said that out loud. Thank goddess the two other alphas didn't hear. 

     They heard and are currently laughing but it was the scent of fresh strawberries and summer rain that quieted the room as two new people emerged from the top of the stairs.  Jacob and Marcus could only watch silently and in utter fascination as they waited with baited breathe for the pair to make their final steps onto the ground below.   At first they could only see one tall rather muscular wolf staring at the two them.  If looks could kill his would definitely make you think twice about crossing him.  However behind the tower of a wolf peaked soft white hair and the brightest sky blue eyes the two young alphas had ever seen.
"um hi my name is Omega Casper Smoke and I think your my mate." the precious boy said to the alphas.  The two lost in love at first sight just nodded like baffoons making Casper giggle.
Jacob and Marcus heads slowly turned to face each other.
"Well this is interesting" Jacob laughs.  Marcus looks to his father then to Jacob then finally landing on Casper.  His beautiful...adopted brother that he caused to get hurt and ran away from 6 years ago is his mate who he will be sharing with his best friend. 
"Ah crap" was all Marcus could say. 

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