~Chapter 1~

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     The morning was alive with sounds of not just the birds as the pack are heard scurrying about trying to get things ready for the upcoming festivities. However for a young man wanting to sleep in after finally finishing his studies at school, this scurrying about is only an announce and intrusion on his much needed and much earned sleep. Tossing and turning, trying to squeeze out the last few seconds of slumber before the inevitable and unavoidable meeting of a new day, the banging of pots and a loud "SHIT" from downstairs immediately woke the slumbering boy as Casper burst out of bed groggy and still very tired, Casper rubs at his eyes removing the tiredness and giving a small yawn he gets out of bed stretching and mumbling incoherent words as he makes his way out to kitchen to see what the racket was that finally robbed him of his slumber. Glancing at the cute puppy clock on his wall he mumbles to himself..."Its only 9am I could've...*yawn* slept so much longer". Casper makes his way downstairs to see his Dad in the kitchen yelling at what seemed to be what Casper could only tell was pancakes.

     Casper, seeing his Dad huff over burnt pancakes just made him giggle and he couldn't help it. You see Mr. Smoke aka Mr. Alpha Dad himself is standing over the stove red faced wearing his momma's apron. His dad is an Alpha Wolf, that means he's big, like 6'7 big. Casper stands at just bellow six feet, which for an omega male is pretty standard size. Now when you add on that the alpha is also loaded with pure thick muscle ( or as his daddy likes to call it "momma's brick wall") makes for a scary alpha when crossed. The apron is made of a bright pink fabric with words "Love bakes Love" on the front in swirly fancy writing, bubble hearts floating all across the apron with white frill running all along the edges, it was passed down from Casper's grandmother to his momma when they moved into the pack house and took over as alpha and luna. His father is also covered head to toe in flour and pancake mix which, if his momma had seen would surely cause a riot and cries of " My kitchen you big brute" and alot of "You mister are so gonna pay" while she angrily cleaned the mess, full well knowing the alpha would just manage to make it worse. Casper put a hand to his mouth trying to contain his cute little giggles as his father noticed the new presence behind him, slowly turning his body, his head even more slowly following behind. To Casper he looked like a child being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. That picture alone made Casper lose what little bit of hope of holding in his laughter as he broke out. "Ha HA HA *giggle*, Daddy what are you dddoing?" Casper asked his, at first shocked but slowly relieved looking father, "Oh shit Casper i thought you were your mother for a second, she would kill me if she saw this damage" the Alpha laughed to himself as he greeted his youngest son for the day.

" Good morning lil pup" the alpha greets his son as Casper starts to contain his laughter and makes his way to the table. "Good morning Daddy" Casper greets back kissing his cheek and sitting down next to his dad at the rather large pack family table. Normally the oldest would sit in that seat but the oldest hasn't been home in sometime. Its one of those things that burdens the alpha and luna yet never talked about, as it would just hurt Casper to much to relive those memories. Not that the boy remembers the past much, which is part of the problem his parents face. Do they tell their son about his brother, the accident, why his brother left. That he even has a brother.
As Casper's dad placed the items for breakfast on the table, that being a huge pile of food that could easily feed 10 normal people; large plates of various breakfast meats like bacon and sausages, big bowl of oatmeal and large assortments of fresh fruit grown by the pack. A large pitcher of fresh squeezed orange juice sat infront of the young wolf. Grabbing the pitcher, Casper poured a glass of the sweet and slightly tart juice for his alpha and then pouring some for himself, Casper looked to his daddy as he finished bringing the last plate which happened to be the remains of the not so burnt and somewhat edible pancakes, and sat down to enjoy the meal with his son.
"Dad, ummm y--y-you ddidnt tell me why your cccooking today" he stuttered out shyly. Casper's stutter is the main reason why he's so shy, he is just a timid protected young wolf that wishes his stutter wasn't something that repealed those around him. When you have a stutter it can make it hard to speak full sentences for long periods. Young pups just didn't have the patience to deal with that as their brains as pups are wired to learn and experience and to go go go. Not being able to establish himself as a wolf like the others his age, Casper turned in on himself becoming very shy and introverted. The alpha looks down to his pup with fondness and care as his son tries to make out his sentence without stuttering. The alpha's inner wolf weeps for his pup, as he knows the reason for his sons shy and closed off demeanor. His son has been through a lot and doesn't even remember it.

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