Zane: Meet the family

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"Wait what?" I asked Zane as we pulled up to a large house that had multiple cars outside

"You're meeting my family" He smirked as he stepped out of the car. My eyes widened and I froze in the position I was sat in. Zane walked around the car and to my side where he opened the passenger side door. "Come on Y/N. We've been together for six months now and I've already met your parents"

"But that was an accident. I had told you that they were coming over and you still decided to come over" I protested.

Zane grabbed my hand and pulled me from the car. I closed the door and leant against it, glaring at him. He scoffed and placed his hands on my hips. He put his forehead against mine

"You'll be absolutely fine Y/N. My brothers already see you as a part of the family so I don't see why my parents won't"

"But all the cars outside?"

"Are you seriously that blind"

"No" I shyly said and pushed my glasses up my nose

"They are the cars of our friends and their parents so you shall be fine"

"I-I guess"

"Perfect" Zane exclaimed and took my hand. We began walking towards the house before I suddenly stopped, pulling Zane towards me

"What's got you so excited and..well different?" I asked, suspicious

"It's Christmas time Y/N and it was Christmas time when Aphmau and I first became friends and when Aaron introduced us to one another" He said, pulling down his mask which revealed his soft smile. "It's my favourite time of the year"

"Come here you big doofus" I whispered as I put my arms around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss. He placed his hands back on my hips which pulled me in closer. We pulled away. "I love you"

"I love you too" He chuckled and then pulled me inside the house. I followed him into the dining room where he began greeting some people

"Garroth put me down" I squealed as Garroth did his signature move of slipping his arms around my waist from behind and lifting me up off the ground

"Hey future sis" he said

"Garroth" Zane growled walking back over to us. Garroth put me back down and I turned, pulling the blonde into a hug.

"You're killing me" I breathed out as Garroth hugged me tightly. He apologised and let me go. Zane wrapped his arms around my neck and protectively pulled me closer to his body. I looked back at him and rolled my eyes. "Jealous that your brother gets better hugs than you do?" I quietly asked him and he nodded. "Well it's because...Vylad!" I exclaimed, running from Zanes grip over to the green eyed traveler.

"Well hello there future sis" He hugged me

"Will you two stop calling her that?"

"Why should we baby brother? Do you not plan on making Y/N apart of the family?" Garroth asked

"I..ugh.. I..leave her alone"

"How rude!" I dramatically gasped as I finally letting go of Vylad and stood back with Zane, taking his hand in mine

"No I don't mean it like that, it's just we have only been together for a few months so.."

"I understand Zane. I mean it" I reassured.

Suddenly there was a loud squeal. We all turned and gazing at us was a woman who I could only guess was Zanes mom. She rushed towards us, pulling each of her sons into a hug before she turned to me with a gleeful smile

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